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Tantan 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?


Tantan is a mobile dating app that connects users to other singles around the world. It was launched in 2014 by Chinese entrepreneur and CEO Yu Wang, who had previously founded Momo Inc., one of China’s largest social networking sites. Tantan has since become popular among young adults looking for love or casual relationships, with over 100 million active users worldwide as of 2020.

The app offers features such as swiping left or right on potential matches based on their profile pictures and interests; sending messages; creating groups to chat with friends; setting up dates using virtual gifts (like flowers); making video calls via live streaming services like WeChat Video Call, Skype & Facetime etc.; sharing photos and videos from your phone’s gallery directly onto the platform through Moments feature ; playing games together within conversations ; connecting people near you through location-based search filters ,and much more . The interface is simple yet intuitive enough for anyone to use it easily without any prior knowledge about technology .

Tantan currently ranks amongst some of the most downloaded apps globally across both Android & iOS platforms according to App Annie Intelligence report published in 2019 – especially so in countries like India , Indonesia , Thailand Malaysia & Vietnam where its popularity continues growing rapidly every day due mainly because there are no language barriers between different cultures which makes communication easier than ever before .

Registering an account on Tantan can be done either by linking existing Facebook/Google accounts OR simply signing up manually using email address – after which new user must complete basic information fields including name age gender city etc alongwith uploading at least 1 picture into his/her profile page so that others may get an idea about him / her before deciding whether they want start conversation or not ! Thereafter everything else happens pretty much same way just like all other mainstream online dating websites out there today!

How Does Tantan Work?

Tantan is a social dating app that allows users to connect with each other in order to find potential dates. It has become increasingly popular among young adults and college students due its easy-to-use interface, intuitive design, and wide range of features. The key feature of the Tantan app is its ability for users to quickly search through profiles based on age, gender or location. Users can also filter their searches by interests such as music or movies they like so they can easily find people who share similar tastes in entertainment.

In addition to searching for matches based on criteria mentioned above, there are two main ways you can discover new profiles: swiping left/right (similarly as Tinder) or using the “Discover” tab which shows recommended matches according user preferences set up during registration process.. There are many types of users available on this platform – from casual daters looking for something short term all the way up to serious relationships seekers hoping one day meet someone special via Tantan App . According recent statistics , majority of registered members come from China (50%), followed by India (15%) , USA(10%), Indonesia(8%)and Brazil(7%).

When it comes time actually interact with another person found via this service – messages exchange will be your best bet since both parties need express themselves beyond simple "likes"/"dislikes". In fact messaging system within Tantan works very similarly compared texting apps we use everyday – just type message you want send out press enter button done! As longs receiver opens chat window message should appear right away without any delays whatsoever making conversations flow smoother than ever before !

Another great thing about this particular application lies within privacy settings where user have control over how much information he/she wants make public versus keep private . This includes options like allowing only certain contacts view profile photos even restricting access entire account anyone outside friend list! Such level customization gives everyone opportunity create unique experience tailored specifically his / her needs providing ultimate security peace mind when browsing through hundreds different accounts every single day !

Finally last but not least worth mentioning here would be safety measures taken ensure all interactions remain safe respectful environment free harassment trolling etc … To achieve these goals team behind tantam implemented variety tools including flagging inappropriate content real time moderation monitoring suspicious activities automatic blocking abusive language plus lot more stuff designed protect integrity community whole ….

  • 1.Matching: Tantan uses a proprietary algorithm to match users based on their interests, preferences and location.
  • 2. Live Chatting: Users can chat with each other in real-time through the app’s messaging feature.
  • 3. Photo Sharing: Users can share photos directly from their phone or computer to the app for others to view and comment on them.
  • 4. Group Chats & Events: Create group chats or events that allow you to connect with multiple people at once, allowing you more opportunities for socializing and networking within your community of friends/followers/fans etc..
  • 5 .Location Based Search : Find nearby matches using GPS technology so you never miss out on an opportunity when it comes up!
  • 6 .Safety Features : Safety is taken seriously by Tantan – all profiles are verified manually before being allowed onto the platform ensuring only genuine members have access

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Tantan app is a simple process. First, you will need to download and install the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. After launching it, you can choose whether to sign up with your phone number or Facebook account. Once registered, users are asked to provide basic information such as age (minimum 18 years old), gender preference for dating partners and location in order to start browsing potential matches nearby. You also have an option of linking your Instagram profile so that other users can view more photos of yours before deciding if they want to match with you or not. After submitting all these details, Tantan allows its members access into their platform where they can browse through profiles near them based on their preferences and begin messaging those who catch their interest without any cost – registration is free!

  • 1.Create a valid email address
  • 2. Enter your full name and date of birth
  • 3. Upload an appropriate profile picture
  • 4. Provide accurate information about yourself, such as gender, location, etc
  • 5. Agree to the terms and conditions set by Tantan
  • 6. Choose a secure password for your account
  • 7 . Verify your phone number or other form of identification provided by Tantan 8 . Link one or more social media accounts with Tantan

Design and Usability of Tantan

The Tantan app has a modern design with bright colors and an intuitive user interface. The main color scheme is light blue, orange, and white which makes it look vibrant and inviting. On the home page you can easily find profiles of other people by using various filters such as age range or location. Navigating through the different features of the app is simple due to its clear layout structure; all options are clearly visible on each page so users don’t have to search for them. When you purchase a paid subscription there are additional UI improvements that make it easier to use certain features like message sending or profile customization settings. Overall, Tantan offers great usability making it easy for anyone who wants to meet new people online!

User Profile Quality

Paragraph 1: On Tantan, user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. You can set a custom bio to give more information about yourself and there is also a “friends” feature which allows you to connect with other users. Privacy settings allow users to control who sees their profile, as well as the ability for them to sign in using Google or Facebook accounts. There have been reports of fake accounts on the platform so it’s important that users take caution when interacting with others online.

Paragraph 2: Location info is an important part of your profile on Tantan – while this may reveal your city, there isn’t any indication of exact distance between two people or how far away they are from each other geographically speaking. However, if you want extra privacy then it’s possible for you hide location info from appearing in your profile altogether; this ensures that no one will know where exactly you’re located unless they ask directly themselves!

Paragraph 3: Premium subscriptions offer some benefits such as access to advanced features like being able see who has liked/viewed your profile without having actually match first – something not available through free plans! This gives premium subscribers an advantage over those without subscription plans because they get priority visibility amongst potential matches within their area (or even outside). Additionally premium members often receive exclusive discounts on events hosted by Tantan itself – making it worth considering investing into a paid plan if looking for added value beyond just finding someone special online!


Tantan is a popular dating app that has been around since 2014. It allows users to connect with other people in their area and start conversations, make friends, or even find love. The app also offers features such as video chat and group messaging so users can get to know each other better before meeting up in person.

At the time of writing this article, Tantan does not have an official website for its online dating services; however it does offer several advantages over traditional sites like Match or eHarmony which require memberships fees and often lengthy questionnaires about your interests prior to joining. With Tantan you can quickly set up a profile without any cost involved using just your phone number – no need for long forms! Furthermore the user interface on both mobile devices (iOS & Android) is very intuitive making it easy for anyone regardless of tech experience level to use successfully – something many older generation websites struggle with due to their complexity. On top of all these benefits there are additional safety measures put into place by the company including verification processes when creating accounts plus moderation teams monitoring activity 24/7 ensuring only genuine interactions take place between individuals on the platform at all times .

Unfortunately despite having numerous advantages compared more established competitors one downside remains – unlike most traditional sites where you pay upfront either monthly or annually , Tantans’s free version includes ads meaning they generate revenue from displaying adverts within its apps rather than charging customers directly . This could be seen as intrusive depending on how much advertising appears during usage but overall still provides good value given everything else included along side it

Safety & Security

Tantan is a social networking app that takes security and privacy seriously. It has implemented several measures to ensure user safety, including verification methods for users. To verify an account, Tantan requires the user to upload their ID or passport as well as a selfie with it. The photos are then manually reviewed by staff members who look out for any discrepancies between the two images before approving them. This helps prevent bots and fake accounts from infiltrating the platform which could potentially lead to scams or other malicious activities against its users. Additionally, there is also an optional two-factor authentication process available on Tantan where users can add another layer of protection when logging in by entering both their password and receiving a code via SMS message sent directly to their phone number associated with their account profile page .

In terms of privacy policy, all data collected from registered members will be kept confidential unless required otherwise by law enforcement agencies upon request due to suspicion of criminal activity being conducted through use of our services or products; this includes but not limited information such as IP address logs etcetera stored within our databases during registration processes (as per GDPR regulations). All personal details provided shall remain secure at all times under strict encryption protocols & procedures outlined in accordance with EU legislation concerning online service providers & related technologies – guaranteeing maximum levels of digital security across platforms we operate on behalf& benefit off said customers/users

Pricing and Benefits

Tantan is a free app available for both Android and iOS users. It offers its users the ability to connect with people around them, make new friends, find dates or even start relationships.

The app does offer some features that require payment in order to access them such as seeing who has liked you before you like them back and having unlimited swipes per day instead of the regular limit of 50 swipes daily. The subscription cost varies depending on your location but generally it costs $9.99 USD/monthly for one month plan; $8 USD/monthly if billed annually ($96 total). This makes Tantan’s paid subscription competitive compared to other similar apps in terms of pricing structure which may be attractive for those looking into getting more out from their experience using this platform without breaking the bank too much!

Additionally, when subscribing through Google Play Store or Apple App store there are no cancellation fees involved so if at any point during your membership period you decide not to continue using Tantan anymore then all what needs doing is cancelling it directly via either Google Play Store or Apple Appstore respectively where applicable refunds will be applied accordingly according to each stores’ policies regarding subscriptions cancelations & refunds .

All things considered , while most basic functionalities can still be accessed by non-paying members , having a premium account could help enhance user’s overall experience within this platform especially since prices offered seem quite reasonable .

Help & Support

Tantan offers various ways to access support. The first way is through the ‘Help Center’ page on their website. This page provides a comprehensive list of topics related to Tantan and its services, with detailed answers for each one. Additionally, there are FAQs that cover common questions about using the app or resolving technical issues quickly and easily without having to contact customer service directly.

If you need more help than what can be found in the Help Center, then it is possible to get in touch with someone from Tantan’s customer service team via email or phone call (available 24/7). When contacting them by email they usually respond within 1-2 business days; however if you have an urgent issue then calling them would likely result in a faster response time as well as being able to speak directly with someone who can assist further right away.

Finally, users also have access live chat support which operates during regular office hours Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm EST (Eastern Standard Time). Live chat allows customers immediate assistance when dealing with any queries regarding account setup or usage of features on Tantan while providing fast responses compared other methods such as emails due no waiting times involved before getting connected


1. Is Tantan safe?

Tantan is generally considered to be a safe app, however there are some potential risks that users should be aware of. The main risk with Tantan is the possibility of meeting someone who may not have good intentions. As with any online dating platform, it’s important for users to take precautions when interacting with strangers and ensure they stay safe while using the app. This includes never sharing personal information or photos publicly on the platform and always being cautious when agreeing to meet up in person after connecting through Tantan. Additionally, as many fake profiles exist on dating apps like Tantan, it’s best practice for users to verify each other before arranging meetings offline or engaging in conversations over video chat platforms such as Skype or Zoom

2. Is Tantan a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Tantan is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2014 and offers an easy-to-use platform for people to connect with others who share similar interests or goals. The website allows you to create a profile where you can upload photos and write about yourself in order to attract potential matches. You can also browse other profiles on the site and send messages if someone catches your eye. In addition, there are various features that make it easier for users to find compatible partners such as “People Nearby” which shows nearby singles within 50 kilometers of your location; “Match Me” which suggests possible matches based on mutual likes; “Moments” which lets you post pictures or stories so that other members can see what kind of person they might be interested in getting involved with; and more! All these features combined make Tantan one of the most popular online dating sites out there today – giving its millions of active monthly users plenty opportunities when it comes finding their perfect match!

3. How to use Tantan app?

Using the Tantan app is easy and straightforward. First, you need to download it from either the App Store or Google Play. Once downloaded, open up the app and create an account by providing your basic information such as name, age etc., along with a profile picture of yourself. After that’s done, you can start exploring other users in your area who have similar interests as yours through swiping left or right on their profiles just like any other dating/social media apps out there today. You can also use filters to narrow down potential matches based on certain criteria such as gender preference or location range for example if you only want people within 5 miles away from where you live then simply adjust this filter accordingly before starting your search for new friends! Finally when someone catches your eye don’t forget to send them a message introducing yourself – be sure keep it friendly but interesting so they remember who sent them first!

4. Is Tantan free?

Tantan is a free social networking app that allows users to connect with people nearby. It provides an easy and fun way for people to meet new friends, find dates, or even start meaningful relationships. With Tantan you can easily browse through profiles of other users in your area and send messages directly from the app itself. You don’t need to pay anything in order to use it; all features are available at no cost whatsoever! The only thing you may have to pay for is optional premium services such as extra profile visibility or virtual gifts if desired.

5. Is Tantan working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Tantan is working and it is possible to find someone there. The app has become increasingly popular over the years as a way for people to meet new friends or potential romantic partners. It provides users with an easy-to-use platform that allows them to search through profiles of other members in their area who have similar interests and values. Once two users mutually match each other, they can start chatting and getting to know one another better before deciding if they want take things further by meeting up in person. With its large user base from around the world, chances are high that you will be able find someone on Tantan who shares your same interests or lifestyle choices!


To conclude, Tantan is a great dating app that offers an easy and convenient way to find potential partners. Its design and usability are excellent, making it very user-friendly. The safety and security features of the app ensure users’ privacy while using the platform. Moreover, help & support from customer service staff is always available if needed by users in case they encounter any issues or have questions about their account settings or usage of certain functions on the site/app. Finally, user profile quality can be improved as there are some fake profiles out there but this issue has been addressed with new measures taken by Tantan to verify all accounts for authenticity before allowing them access into its system which helps keep fraudsters away from legitimate members who use it for finding dates online safely without having worries about getting scammed in any way whatsoever! All things considered – we highly recommend trying out Tantan as your go-to dating platform today!

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Author Timothy Fisher

Timothy Fisher is a writer and relationship expert who specializes in providing advice on dating and relationships. He has been writing about these topics for over 10 years and is passionate about helping others find love and happiness in their lives. He has a deep understanding of the complexities of modern romance and is dedicated to helping individuals navigate these dynamics. His expertise has been featured in various publications and he is a sought-after speaker on the subject. In his free time, Timothy enjoys exploring nature, flying kites, and cooking up a storm in the kitchen.