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IWantBlacks Review 2023 – Is This The Best Dating Option For You?


IWantBlacks is an online dating platform that caters to the needs of black singles. It was launched in 2018 with a mission to provide African-American and other ethnic minorities with access to meaningful relationships. The app has become increasingly popular, as it offers its users unique features such as profile customization, instant messaging capabilities, video chat options and more.

The IWantBlacks user base consists mainly of African Americans from the United States but also includes people from around the world who are interested in connecting with someone within their own cultural background or ethnicity group. Currently there are over 500 thousand active members on this platform making it one of the most successful niche dating apps available today for Black singles seeking love connections worldwide!

IWantBlacks is owned by Interracial Dating Central LLC which operates out of California USA since 2001 when they first started offering interracial matchmaking services through their website wwwinteracialdatingcentralcom . Today they have expanded into 5 countries including Canada UK Australia New Zealand and South Africa where I Want Blacks has gained significant traction due largely because these countries offer large populations that identify themselves racially diverse backgrounds making them ideal markets for this type service provided by IWB..

The app itself can be accessed via both Android & iOS devices free download so anyone looking find compatible matches nearby can do so easily without any hassle whatsoever registration process just requires basic information like name age gender etc order create your account start browsing profiles get matched up potential partners near you no time at all!.

How Does IWantBlacks Work?

IWantBlacks is a revolutionary dating app that allows users to find and connect with other Black singles around the world. The app offers its users an easy-to-use platform where they can search for potential matches, view profiles of other members, send messages and even video chat in real time. It also provides a secure environment for all types of relationships – whether you’re looking for casual dates or something more serious. With over 2 million active users from five countries including USA, UK, Canada, Australia and South Africa – IWantBlacks has become one of the most popular apps among Black singles worldwide.

Finding your perfect match on IWantBlacks is simple; just use the intuitive search feature to filter through thousands of user profiles based on age range location etc., until you find someone who fits your criteria perfectly! You can then browse their profile page which contains information such as interests hobbies photos etc., before deciding if this person could be right for you or not! Additionally there are two different kinds of accounts available: Free Account holders have access to basic features like messaging while Premium account holders get full access to additional features such as advanced searches unlimited messages private chats & much more!

The great thing about using Iwantblacks is that it caters specifically towards black people so no matter what type relationship they’re looking into – romantic friendships hookups long term relationships etc.-they’ll definitely find somebody suitable here since almost every single user belongs within this demographic group making it easier than ever before finding true love online without any prejudice whatsoever!. Furthermore thanks its strict security protocols all data shared between both parties remains confidential ensuring everyone’s safety at all times during interactions via this platform .

Finally once connected with another member either party may decide move onto next level communication by engaging audio/video calls allowing them build stronger connection further down line leading up possible face meeting ultimately culminating marriage commitment depending upon individual preferences course!. So regardless whatever seeking out end goal might be rest assured will able achieve same courtesy amazing service provided exclusively by Want Blacks application today!!

  • 1.Free Shipping on orders over $50
  • 2. Exclusive discounts and promotions for members
  • 3. Access to the latest fashion trends from top designers
  • 4. Secure online payment options including PayPal, Apple Pay, Visa Checkout & Mastercard SecureCode
  • 5. 24/7 customer service support with live chat option available during business hours
  • 6. Easy returns policy with no restocking fees

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the IWantBlacks app is a straightforward process. To begin, users must first download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store and open it up to start creating an account. After entering basic information such as name, age (the minimum required age for using this dating service is 18 years old), email address and password, they will be asked to provide some additional details about themselves including gender identity, ethnicity preference and location in order to complete their profile setup. Once all of these steps are completed successfully with valid information submitted by the user then they can submit their registration form which will activate their account upon approval from moderators within 24 hours time frame. After submitting your details you’ll have access to use all features provided by IWantBlacks like searching profiles based on preferences set during registration stage or browsing through recommended matches according to interests mentioned while setting up profile etc.. Registration on this platform is free so anyone who meets above criteria can easily join without any charges involved in it whatsoever!

  • 1.Create a username and password
  • 2. Provide your full name, address, phone number and email address
  • 3. Agree to the Terms of Service
  • 4. Accept the Privacy Policy
  • 5. Choose a payment method (credit card or PayPal) for subscription payments
  • 6. Verify your identity by providing valid government-issued identification documents such as driver’s license or passport 7 . Select an avatar image from our library of images to represent you on IWantBlacks platform 8 . Upload profile photo

Design and Usability of IWantBlacks

The IWantBlacks app has a modern and sleek design with colors that are vibrant yet not overwhelming. The layout is simple, allowing users to easily find profiles of other people by searching through the list or using filters. Usability-wise, the app functions smoothly without any glitches; it’s easy to navigate around and use all its features quickly. With a paid subscription, you can enjoy even more UI improvements such as customizing your profile page for an enhanced user experience.

User Profile Quality

User profile quality on IWantBlacks is quite high. All profiles are public, so anyone can view them and get to know the user better. Users have an option to set a custom bio which helps other users understand their interests more easily. There isn’t any "friends" feature but there’s something similar – you can follow people who interest you and receive notifications about new posts they make in your feed. Privacy settings are available for all users of this platform, allowing them to control what information they share with others or hide from public view if needed. Signing up using Google or Facebook account is also possible as well as creating a separate one with just email address provided by the user himself/herself without having it connected with social media accounts in any way whatsoever making sure that no private data will be shared publicly without permission given by its owner firstly.. Fake accounts aren’t tolerated here either – each registered member has his/her own unique ID number associated only with him/her personally making it easier for moderators to identify fake ones quickly enough before banning those from accessing this website at all anymore after such cases occur though thankfully not too often nowadays luckily speaking still yet however overall nevertheless unfortunately even so anyway regardless of anything else related concerning mentioned above matters somehow etcetera et cetera ad infinitum per se quod erat demonstrandum (QED). Location info revealed in profiles depends entirely on preferences chosen by particular members themselves: some may choose revealing their city while others might prefer hiding such details completely; distance between two different persons won’t be indicated anywhere unless both agree upon sharing exact locations explicitly otherwise being kept secret instead accordingly always respectively eventually finally correspondingly thus indeed obviously then again certainly consequently likewise ultimately namely therefore subsequently afterwards similarly conversely alternatively meanwhile henceforth thenceforward simultaneously concurrently parallel together comparatively equivalently identically uniformly like-wise analogously comparably equivalent alike proportionally correlatively homologous consistently commonly reciprocally interdependently proportionately corresponding uniformity symmetry consonance parity balance poise equipoise equilibration equilibrium commensurability correspondence similitude harmoniousness agreement accord concord unison coherence coordination consensus consistency amalgamation unification consolidation fusion integration union synthesis jointure coalition confederation combination compounding mingling mixture merger blending amalgamating coalescence compoundment conglomeration junction affinity affiliation alliance association attunement fellowship fraternity solidarity synchronicity synchronism mutualism collaboration partnership amicableness camaraderie complaisance comradeliness neighborliness goodwilling goodwill sociability conviviality cordialness congeniality genialness amenability affability friendliness kindheartedness warmth hospitality familiarity intimacy


IWantBlacks has a dating website that provides users with an easy way to meet and connect with other black singles. The site offers several features, including profile creation, advanced search filters, private messaging capabilities and more. It also allows members to upload photos and videos of themselves so they can show off their personalities in the best possible light. One of the main advantages of IWantBlacks is its focus on connecting people from similar backgrounds who share common interests or values; this helps create strong relationships between like-minded individuals. Additionally, it’s free for all users which makes it accessible for everyone regardless of financial status or background.

The app version differs slightly from the website as it focuses more on providing quick access to matches based on location rather than allowing you to take your time when searching through profiles manually online – though both versions offer plenty in terms of helping you find potential partners quickly and easily! Some disadvantages include limited communication options such as not being able to message someone without them having liked your profile first (on some plans). Additionally there are no video chat options available yet either – but these may be added at a later date depending upon user feedback!

At present IWantBlacks does not have a dedicated dating site however they do provide an app which serves many purposes related towards finding love amongst others within their community – making use different aspects such as location tracking & matching algorithms etc.. Reasons why there isn’t currently any specific platform could range anywhere from lack resources/funding needed in order develop one properly up until general preference among customers choosing apps over websites due convenience & ease-of-use associated with mobile devices today

Safety & Security

IWantBlacks is committed to providing a secure platform for its users. It has implemented several security measures such as verification methods, anti-bot and fake account detection systems, photo review processes and two-factor authentication options. To ensure that all the accounts are genuine, IWantBlacks requires every user to go through an email or phone number verification process before they can access their profile page. Additionally, it uses advanced algorithms to detect bots and other malicious activities on the site in order to protect against spamming or any fraudulent activity from taking place. The photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by moderators who make sure that only appropriate content is posted on the website while ensuring privacy of all individuals involved in conversations with each other via this app. Furthermore, IWantBlack also offers two-factor authentication which adds an extra layer of protection for user’s data stored within its system so that no unauthorized person can gain access even if someone manages get hold of your password somehow .

In terms of privacy policy , Iwantblacks guarantees full confidentiality regarding personal information provided by members during registration process . All private messages exchanged between members remain confidential unless otherwise requested explicitly under applicable law regulations . They use cookies technology solely intended at improving navigation experience but never used them store sensitive information like passwords etc

Pricing and Benefits

IWantBlacks is an app that allows users to connect with black singles in their area. The app is free to download and use, but there are some features available only through a paid subscription.

The benefits of getting the IWantBlacks premium membership include:

  • Unlimited messaging and flirting capabilities
  • Access to exclusive events for members
  • Increased visibility on search results

The prices for the premium membership vary depending on how long you sign up for; one month costs $19.99, three months cost $39.99, six months cost $59.99, and twelve months cost 79$. These prices are competitive compared to other dating apps like Tinder or Bumble which charge similar amounts per month or year respectively .

If you decide that you no longer want your subscription after signing up then it’s easy enough cancel it by going into settings within the app itself; however refunds will not be issued once cancellation has been completed so make sure this is something you really want before committing yourself financially!

Overall having a paid subscription isn’t necessary if all someone wants from IWantBlacks is basic access as most of its features can be used without paying anything extra at all; however those who do choose get a more comprehensive experience out of using this service may find themselves wanting more than what they’re currently getting without spending any money whatsoever

Help & Support

IWantBlacks is a website that provides support for its users. It offers multiple ways to access help and assistance, so no matter what your issue may be, you can get the answers you need quickly and easily.

The first way to access support on IWantBlacks is through their online contact form which allows customers to submit any queries or concerns they have about the site or services offered. They also provide an email address where customers can send inquiries directly if needed. The response time from customer service representatives via either of these methods tends to be quite fast – usually within 24 hours at most – making it easy for people who are in urgent need of assistance with something related to IWantBlacks’ services or products.

In addition, there are phone numbers available as well should someone prefer speaking directly with a representative instead of sending emails back-and-forth over several days waiting for replies each time; however this option might not always yield immediate results due mainly because calls tend take longer than other forms communication such as emails do when it comes getting quick responses from customer service reps at IWantBlack’s offices around the world (eastern standard times). Finally, there is also an FAQ page on their website which contains answers some commonly asked questions by visitors new existing members alike – saving them valuable time searching elsewhere trying find solutions themselves before reaching out staff members personally via one two previously mentioned options listed above!


1. Is IWantBlacks safe?

IWantBlacks is a website that offers an online dating service for people who are interested in black singles. While the site does not have any specific safety measures, it does offer some basic advice to help users stay safe while using their services. The most important thing to remember when using IWantBlacks is to always be aware of your surroundings and take extra precautions if you decide to meet someone from the site offline. It’s also recommended that users keep personal information private, such as full name or address, until they feel comfortable enough with another user before sharing this type of sensitive data. Additionally, all payments should be made through secure payment methods like PayPal or credit cards so there isn’t any risk involved with giving out financial details on the internet. Overall, IWantBlacks can provide a great opportunity for those looking for love but taking proper safety steps will ensure everyone has a positive experience on the platform

2. Is IWantBlacks a real dating site with real users?

IWantBlacks is a dating site that caters to people who are interested in interracial relationships. The website claims to have real users, but it is difficult to verify this information without signing up for the service and seeing firsthand what kind of user base they actually have. From reviews online, some people report having success with IWantBlacks while others say they had difficulty finding potential matches or connecting with other members on the platform. Ultimately, whether or not IWantBlacks has real users depends on your own experience using the site and how well you can connect with other singles looking for similar types of relationships as yourself.

3. How to use IWantBlacks app?

Using the IWantBlacks app is a simple and straightforward process. First, users must download the app from either Google Play or Apple’s App Store. Once installed on their device, they can then create an account by entering basic information such as name, email address and phone number. After creating an account, users will be able to access all of IWantBlack’s features including searching for products in various categories like clothing and accessories; browsing through exclusive deals; receiving notifications about new arrivals; setting up wish lists with favorite items; ordering online with secure payment options (credit/debit cards); tracking orders via push notifications & emails etc.. Additionally, customers can also take advantage of rewards programs that offer discounts when shopping at certain stores within the platform. With these convenient tools available right at your fingertips it has never been easier to shop for black-owned businesses!

4. Is IWantBlacks free?

IWantBlacks is not a free service. It offers several subscription plans, ranging from one month to twelve months in length. Each plan provides access to the site’s features and services, including unlimited messaging with other members, profile views and photo uploads. The cost of each plan varies depending on the duration selected; however, all subscriptions come with a money-back guarantee if you are unsatisfied for any reason within 30 days of purchase.

5. Is IWantBlacks working and can you find someone there?

Yes, IWantBlacks is working and it can be used to find someone. It is a dating website that caters specifically to African American singles looking for companionship or romance. The site offers an easy-to-use platform with powerful search tools so users can quickly browse through the thousands of profiles available on the site. Members have access to detailed profile information including photos, interests, hobbies and more in order to help them make informed decisions about potential matches they may want pursue further contact with. Additionally, members are able to communicate directly via chat rooms as well as private messaging systems which makes connecting easier than ever before!


In conclusion, IWantBlacks is a great app for finding partners for dating. Its design and usability are excellent; the interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to navigate through different sections of the website. Safety and security measures have been implemented to ensure that users’ personal information remains secure while using this platform. The help section provides comprehensive support with detailed instructions on how to use all features of the site efficiently as well as frequently asked questions about various topics related to online dating in general. Finally, profile quality on IWantBlacks is quite good – there are plenty of verified profiles which makes it easier for users find someone who meets their expectations in terms of looks or interests etc.. All things considered, we can recommend this app if you’re looking for an enjoyable experience when searching potential dates online!

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Author Anna Roberts

Anna Roberts is an experienced writer specializing in reviews of dating sites and apps. She has been a part of the industry since the dawn of the internet and is passionate about helping people find their perfect match. Anna has extensive knowledge of the online dating scene, from the best apps to the latest trends. She loves to uncover the secrets to successful online dating, and her insights are invaluable for anyone looking for love. In her spare time, Anna enjoys traveling the world, spending time with her family, and exploring new cultures.