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  • 1.Wide variety of users
  • 2.Easy to use interface
  • 3.Secure messaging system
  • Lack of safety measures
  • Limited user base
  • Potential for fake profiles
  • Unregulated messaging


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Whatsflirt Review 2023 – Is It Perfect Or Scam?


Whatsflirt is an innovative social media platform that has revolutionized the way people connect with each other. It offers users a unique opportunity to meet and interact with like-minded individuals from around the world, in real time. The app was launched in 2017 by WhatsFlirt LLC and it quickly gained popularity among its target audience of young adults aged 18-35 who are looking for meaningful connections online.

The main feature of Whatsflirt is its ability to match users based on their interests, lifestyle choices, age group preferences or even geographical location – all within seconds! This makes finding compatible partners easy and convenient for everyone involved. In addition to this core function, there are also several additional features such as live chat rooms where you can talk directly with potential matches; private messaging options so you can get to know someone better before taking things further; plus much more!

Currently there are over 5 million active monthly users registered on Whatsflirt worldwide across five countries: United States (USA), Canada (CA), Australia (AU), New Zealand (NZ) & South Africa(ZA). With such a large user base it’s no wonder why many consider this app one of the most popular dating platforms out there today! And best yet – using What Flirts services won’t cost you anything since they offer free registration without any subscription fees whatsoever – making them accessible for anyone regardless if they have money or not.

For those interested in trying out what’s flirt but don’t want download another application onto their device then worry not because accessing whats flirting via web browser works just fine too thanks to mobile optimized website design which allows access through virtually any device including desktop computers laptops tablets smartphones etc… All one needs do sign up fill out profile information verify email address select desired username password start exploring site make new friends find love whatever else might come along way!.

How Does Whatsflirt Work?

Whatsflirt is a revolutionary dating app that makes it easier than ever to find love. It offers an intuitive user interface, making it easy for users of all ages and backgrounds to use the app. The key features include profile creation, photo uploads, messaging capabilities with other users on the platform as well as private chat rooms for two people who are interested in each other’s profiles. Users can also search through thousands of profiles from around the world by age range or location using advanced filters such as gender identity and interests. With over 10 million active members worldwide – including 5 million from India alone – Whatsflirt has become one of the most popular dating apps available today!

Finding potential matches on Whatsflirt is simple: after creating your own profile you can start searching through others based off their pictures and descriptions they have provided about themselves; if someone catches your eye you can message them directly via text or voice call within seconds! You may even be able to set up video calls with those whom you match with depending upon their settings preferences – this allows both parties involved get a better feel for each other before deciding whether they want pursue something further down line like meeting in person eventually . Additionally , there are different types of users ranging from casual daters looking just some lighthearted fun conversations online ,to serious relationship seekers hoping meet “the one” soon enough .

The safety measures implemented by WhatsFlirt ensures its millions-strong user base remains secure while interacting online ; all messages sent between two individuals remain encrypted so no third party will be able access any personal information exchanged during conversation . Furthermore , moderators constantly monitor activity across entire network make sure everyone follows guidelines outlined terms service agreement when signing up account first time ( e g not sending explicit images ) thereby ensuring smooth running experience free malicious content being spread amongst community at large !

  • 1.Unique and fun flirting questions to help break the ice.
  • 2. Private messaging system for users to connect with each other securely.
  • 3. Ability to create a profile, upload photos, and search for potential matches based on interests or location preferences.
  • 4. A virtual currency called “Whatscoins” that can be used in-app purchases such as gifts or special features like custom avatars and backgrounds .
  • 5. An interactive chatbot that provides personalized advice about how best to flirt with someone you are interested in online dating sites/apps .
  • 6 Real-time notifications when someone likes your profile or sends you a message

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Whatsflirt app is a straightforward process. After downloading and launching the app, users are prompted to create an account by providing their name, email address, age and gender. Once this information has been submitted they will be asked to choose a username and password for logging in as well as creating an attractive profile with photos of themselves that can be seen by other members. After completing these steps, users must agree to the terms of service before being able to access all features available on Whatsflirt such as messaging or searching for potential matches based on interests or location preferences. Once registered successfully, new members can start exploring different profiles within minutes depending upon how much time was spent setting up their own profile page initially; however it’s important not only complete your personal details but also make sure you have uploaded at least one photo so people know who they’re talking too! The minimum required age for dating through this platform is 18 years old which makes it suitable even if you don’t meet any criteria set out by parents when looking online partners – plus registration itself is free so there’s no need worry about spending money just yet!

  • 1.A valid email address is required for registration.
  • 2. All users must be 18 years of age or older to register on Whatsflirt.
  • 3. Each user will need to create a unique username and password that meets the security requirements set by Whatsflirt in order to complete their registration process successfully.
  • 4. Users must agree with all terms & conditions as well as privacy policy before they can use the platform’s services after registering an account on Whatsflirt .
  • 5. Personal information such as name, date of birth, gender etc., may also be requested during sign-up process depending upon the country where user resides at present time..
  • 6 User should have active mobile number which could be used for verification purpose while signing up on this app/website . 7 In some cases , profile picture might also get asked from users so it’s better if one has already prepared his/her pic beforehand . 8 To ensure safety and prevent fraud activities , each registered user needs to provide government issued ID proof along with other details like residential address etc

Design and Usability of Whatsflirt

The Whatsflirt app has a modern design with bright colors that make it inviting and easy to use. The layout is intuitive, making it simple to find profiles of other people you might be interested in flirting with. Usability-wise, the app functions well; navigation between different features is straightforward and there are no major issues when using the free version. If you choose to purchase a paid subscription however, some UI improvements become available such as additional profile customization options which can enhance your experience on the platform even further.

User Profile Quality

The user profiles on Whatsflirt are public and can be viewed by anyone. You can set a custom bio to give other users an idea of who you are, but there is no “friends” feature or anything similar. Privacy settings allow users to control what information they share with others, including the ability to hide their location info if desired. There is also a Google or Facebook sign-in option for added security against fake accounts.

Location info in your profile reveals your city and gives an indication of the distance between yourself and other users which could help when searching for potential matches nearby. Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits such as more detailed search filters that make it easier to find compatible people within certain areas based on age range, gender preferences etc., making it much easier than before!

Overall, Whatsflirt offers great privacy options so you don’t have worry about sharing too much personal information online while still being able enjoy all its features like setting up custom bios or finding compatible matches near you quickly thanks to its premium subscription services!


Whatsflirt is a popular dating app that allows users to connect with potential partners in their area. The app has an easy-to-use interface and features such as profile creation, photo sharing, messaging capabilities, and more. It also offers a variety of filters for finding the perfect match based on interests or location. Whatsflirt’s main advantage is its convenience; it can be used anywhere at any time without needing to download anything onto your device. Additionally, since it doesn’t require creating an account or logging into one every time you use the service makes this process much simpler than other apps which require signing up first before using them properly. On the downside though there are no additional features like video chat available yet so if you’re looking for something more interactive then this might not be ideal choice right now

At present WhatsFlirt does not have a dedicated website but rather relies solely on its mobile application platform instead which helps streamline user experience by eliminating unnecessary steps when searching through profiles online while still providing all necessary functions needed from within just one place – making everything easier to find and access quickly whenever required.. This approach certainly has advantages over having both separate platforms however due mainly financial reasons many companies opt out of investing resources into developing two different versions simultaneously – especially smaller ones who may lack adequate funds needed for doing so effectively

Safety & Security

Whatsflirt is a popular dating app that has taken steps to ensure its users are safe and secure. It uses an advanced verification process for all of its users, requiring them to provide valid identification documents in order to prove their identity. Whatsflirt also takes measures against bots and fake accounts by using sophisticated algorithms which detect suspicious activity or patterns of behaviour. Photos uploaded on the platform are manually reviewed by moderators who check if they comply with the guidelines set out in the Terms & Conditions before being approved for public viewing. Furthermore, two-factor authentication is available as an additional layer of security when logging into your account so you can be sure that only you have access to it at all times.

When it comes to privacy policy, Whatsflirt makes sure that user data remains confidential at all times; this includes any personal information shared through messages or profile photos stored within their system which will not be used without explicit consent from each individual user involved in a conversation thread . They take great care when handling sensitive data such as financial details provided during payment transactions – these are securely encrypted using industry standard protocols ensuring maximum protection from potential cyber threats like hackers and malware attacks

Pricing and Benefits

Is Whatsflirt Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

WhatsFlirt is an app that allows users to connect with people in their area. It offers features such as chat, video calls, and profile matching. The basic version of the app is free but there are also paid subscription options available for those who want additional features.

The premium subscription plan costs $9.99 per month and provides access to exclusive content including live streaming events, advanced search filters, unlimited messaging capabilities and more. For those looking for even more value from their membership they can opt for the yearly package which costs $59/year – a savings of 40% off the monthly rate! This option includes all of the same benefits as well as bonus points each month that can be used towards discounts on products or services within WhatsFlirt’s marketplace feature.

Benefits Of A Paid Subscription:

  • Access To Exclusive Content Including Live Streaming Events & Advanced Search Filters – Unlimited Messaging Capabilities – Bonus Points Each Month That Can Be Used Towards Discounts On Products Or Services Within WhatsFlirts Marketplace Feature – Savings Of 40% Off The Monthly Rate With Yearly Package Option

Cancellation process is simple; users just need to go into settings menu where they will find “cancel my account” button – clicking this will terminate user’s account immediately without any further questions asked by system itself (although customer service might contact them). Refund policy depends on payment method chosen during purchase so customers should read terms before making decision about buying premium subscription plan if refunding issue matters much for them personally .

Overall , while many users may not feel like paying extra money every month in order get most out of whatsflirting experience , others could benefit greatly from these added bonuses provided by company through its paid subscriptions plans .

Help & Support

Whatsflirt is a popular dating app that allows users to connect with potential partners. The platform offers various ways for its users to access support when they have questions or need help with something on the app.

The first way you can get in touch with Whatsflirt’s customer service team is through their website, which has an online contact form where you can submit your query and receive a response within 24 hours. Additionally, there are phone numbers available if you prefer speaking directly to someone from the support team; however, these lines may be busy during peak times so it’s best not to rely solely on this method of communication if your issue needs immediate attention.

Another great resource provided by Whatsflirt is their FAQ page which contains answers for commonly asked questions about using the platform as well as troubleshooting tips and advice related to account security and privacy settings. This page also includes links that direct customers towards other helpful resources such as tutorials or blog posts regarding specific topics like setting up profiles or navigating certain features of the app itself – all without having to wait for a response from customer service representatives!


1. Is Whatsflirt safe?

Yes, Whatsflirt is a safe platform to use. It has implemented several safety measures and protocols that ensure users are protected from malicious activities while using the app. The company employs an advanced encryption system which ensures all data sent between users remains secure and private. Additionally, they have strict policies in place regarding content moderation so any inappropriate or offensive messages can be quickly identified and removed by their team of moderators. They also provide user support services should anyone encounter issues while using the app or require assistance with anything related to it such as account setup or technical help etc.. All these features make Whatsflirt one of the safest online dating platforms available today for its members to enjoy without worrying about security concerns.

2. Is Whatsflirt a real dating site with real users?

Whatsflirt is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2019 and offers an easy-to-use platform for singles to meet, chat, and flirt online. The website features thousands of active members from all over the world who are looking for someone special in their life. Whatsflirt provides its users with various tools such as instant messaging, video chatting, photo sharing and more to help them find compatible matches quickly and easily. Additionally, it also includes safety measures like profile verification that helps protect its members from fake profiles or scammers trying to take advantage of unsuspecting people on the internet. All these features make Whatsflirt one of the most popular online dating sites available today where you can safely connect with other genuine singles looking for love or friendship without any worries about your security or privacy being compromised in any way whatsoever!

3. How to use Whatsflirt app?

Using the Whatsflirt app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s respective App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded it, open up the application and create an account by entering some basic information such as your name, age range, gender identity and location. After that’s done you can start searching for potential matches in your area using either a simple search function or more advanced filters to narrow down results even further based on things like interests or hobbies. You can also browse through profiles of other users who may be compatible with yours before deciding if they are someone worth chatting with via text message or video chat options available within the app itself! Lastly don’t forget to make sure all of your profile information is accurate so that people know exactly what kind of person they’re talking too – this will help ensure everyone has a positive experience when using Whatsflirt!

4. Is Whatsflirt free?

Yes, Whatsflirt is free to use. It is a great way for people to meet new friends and potential romantic partners without having to pay any money. The app provides users with the ability to create profiles, search for other members based on their interests and preferences, send messages back and forth in real time, view photos of other members who have posted them publicly or privately share them with select contacts only. Additionally it also allows you access various chat rooms where you can interact with like-minded individuals from all over the world as well as join groups related your hobbies or passions so that you can connect more easily with others who share similar interests.

5. Is Whatsflirt working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Whatsflirt is working and you can find someone there. It’s a great platform for meeting new people who share your interests. The site has an easy-to-use interface that allows users to quickly search through profiles of other members in their area or around the world. You can also use advanced filters to narrow down potential matches based on age, location, gender preference and more. With its large user base and variety of features, it’s no wonder why so many singles are turning to Whatsflirt as their go-to dating website!


In conclusion, Whatsflirt is a great app for finding partners for dating. Its design and usability are very intuitive, making it easy to use even by those who have never used an online dating service before. The safety and security features of the app ensure that users can trust their data with them without any worries about potential misuse or abuse. Help and support from the customer care team is also available if needed, so you can rest assured knowing that your concerns will be addressed in a timely manner. Finally, user profile quality on Whatsflirt is excellent; profiles provide enough information to make informed decisions when looking at prospective matches while still maintaining privacy settings as desired by each individual user. All in all, we highly recommend this app!

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Author Anna Roberts

Anna Roberts is an experienced writer specializing in reviews of dating sites and apps. She has been a part of the industry since the dawn of the internet and is passionate about helping people find their perfect match. Anna has extensive knowledge of the online dating scene, from the best apps to the latest trends. She loves to uncover the secrets to successful online dating, and her insights are invaluable for anyone looking for love. In her spare time, Anna enjoys traveling the world, spending time with her family, and exploring new cultures.