Single Muslim
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  • Diverse pool of potential matches
  • Ability to filter profiles based on religious and cultural preferences
  • Opportunity for meaningful connections
  • Lack of privacy
  • Limited access to potential partners
  • Potential for misrepresentation/catfishing
  • Difficulties in verifying identity and intentions
  • Unsuitable matches


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Single Muslim 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?


Single Muslim is an online matchmaking app designed to help Muslims find their perfect partner. It was launched in 2000 by Adeem Younis, a British entrepreneur and philanthropist of Pakistani descent. The platform has since grown into one of the largest matrimonial services for single Muslims worldwide with over 2 million active users across five countries – United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Australia and Germany.

The Single Muslim app allows users to connect with other like-minded individuals who share similar values and beliefs about marriage within the Islamic faith tradition. Through its innovative features such as ‘Search’ (which helps you narrow down your search criteria), ‘Chat’ (where members can communicate privately) or even ‘Gift Ideas’ (to send virtual gifts to someone special), it makes finding that ideal soulmate easier than ever before! Plus all these great features are available free of charge on both iOS & Android devices so everyone can join in on the fun!

For those interested in joining this exclusive community there is a simple registration process which requires some basic information such as name, age etc., along with uploading photos from either Facebook or Instagram accounts – no need for any long forms here! Once approved after verification checks have been completed then you will be able to start searching through thousands profiles looking for your potential spouse today!.

How Does Single Muslim Work?

The Single Muslim app is a great way to find potential partners for marriage. It provides users with an easy-to-use platform where they can search and filter through thousands of profiles from all over the world. The key features include detailed profile creation, advanced filtering options, private messaging capabilities, and secure payment processing. Users are able to create their own unique profile that includes photos as well as other personal information such as age, religion or ethnicity preferences in order to help them narrow down their search results more quickly and easily.

Once you have created your account on the Single Muslim app you will be able access hundreds of profiles from different countries around the globe including United States (US), Canada (CA), Australia (AU) , United Kingdom(UK)and India(IN). You can also view user ratings so that you know which ones are most popular among other members of this dating site before deciding who might be right for you! Additionally there is a wide range of filters available allowing users to refine searches based on things like marital status or even religious denomination if desired – making it easier than ever before for people looking specifically within certain criteria when searching for someone special online!

In addition to finding potential matches via its extensive database filled with singles seeking relationships; one major benefit offered by this application is its ability connect individuals who may not otherwise meet due traditional cultural norms preventing communication between opposite genders outside family circles etcetera – something many Muslims living abroad often struggle with when trying date/marry another person within faith community without breaking any laws either local country’s government has set forth regarding these matters.. This feature allows those same individuals greater freedom explore possibilities beyond what would normally considered acceptable circumstances while still remaining true values held dear both themselves Islamic culture at large!

The single muslim App also offers additional services such video chat rooms audio messages instant messenger tools allow two parties communicate directly each other real time manner similar Skype FaceTime but much more secure privacy conscious fashion since data transmitted encrypted servers located across five continents ensuring highest levels security possible during conversations conducted using service provided here!. Finally built into system “matching algorithm” designed pair compatible couples together taking into consideration factors mentioned above plus others ensure best chances success forming lasting relationship end result happy union blessed Allah SWT Insha’Allah ameen!.

  • 1.Halal-Certified Products: Single Muslim offers a wide selection of halal certified products to ensure that customers are able to find food and other items that meet their religious requirements.
  • 2. Prayer Room: A dedicated prayer room is available for members of the community who wish to pray in peace and quiet while they shop or dine at Single Muslim outlets.
  • 3. Sharia Compliant Financing Options: Customers can access sharia compliant financing options when making purchases from Single Muslim, allowing them to make payments over time without incurring interest charges which would be prohibited under Islamic law.
  • 4. Segregated Shopping Areas: To provide an extra level of comfort for its customers, single muslim has segregated shopping areas where men and women can purchase goods separately if desired..
  • 5 .Islamic Lifestyle Events & Classes : In addition to providing traditional retail services ,Single Muslims also hosts events such as cooking classes, lectures on various aspects of Islam lifestyle topics like finance management etc., seminars about marriage issues etc,. 6 .Muslim Marriage Services : The company provides online matchmaking services tailored specifically towards helping individuals within the faith find compatible partners with whom they could potentially build long lasting relationships with

Registration – How Easy Is It?

The process of registering on the Single Muslim app is simple and straightforward. To begin, users must first download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. After downloading it, they will be asked to provide their basic information such as name, email address and date of birth in order to create an account. Once this step is completed successfully, users can start filling out a detailed profile that includes personal interests and preferences for potential matches. They also have access to features like photo uploads so they can make sure their profiles are complete before proceeding with any further steps towards finding love online through this platform. After submitting all details required during registration process (which should take no more than 10 minutes), users will receive confirmation emails which allows them access into the world of singles looking for compatible partners within Islamic culture – giving them full control over who sees what about themselves when browsing through other user’s profiles! The minimum age requirement for dating on Single Muslim app is 18 years old; however there may be certain restrictions depending upon local laws applicable in different countries/regions where it operates – hence please check those rules prior beginning your journey here! Registration itself though comes free-of-cost without any hidden charges involved whatsoever making it one among few truly reliable apps around today’s digital space dedicated solely towards Muslims seeking relationships beyond borders!.

  • 1.Must be 18 years of age or older
  • 2. Provide a valid email address
  • 3. Create a unique username and password
  • 4. Upload an up-to-date profile picture
  • 5. Enter personal information such as name, gender, location etc..
  • 6. Agree to the terms & conditions set by Single Muslim
  • 7. Answer questions about religious beliefs and practices 8 .Complete optional personality tests for better matching

Design and Usability of Single Muslim

The Single Muslim app has a modern design with vibrant colors and easy-to-navigate menus. The interface is intuitive, making it simple to find profiles of other users. With the free version, you can browse through potential matches quickly and easily using various search filters. If you upgrade to a paid subscription, there are additional features such as more detailed profile views that make navigation even easier. Overall the usability of this app is excellent; all functions are clearly labeled so navigating around the platform is effortless regardless if you’re on iOS or Android devices.

User Profile Quality

Single Muslim profiles are of high quality and provide users with a great deal of information. Profiles are public, so anyone can view them without needing to sign up for an account. Users have the ability to set a custom bio as well as add photos or videos which makes it easier for other members to get an idea about who they’re talking too. There is also no “friends” feature but there is the option of adding someone as your favorite which will make their profile appear at the top when you search through profiles on Single Muslim.

Privacy settings allow users control over what information others can see in their profile such as age, location and contact details etc., making sure that only those whom they choose can access this data. Additionally, there is also Google/Facebook sign-in available allowing people more convenience while signing up on Single Muslim if desired by them; however fake accounts do exist so caution should be taken when interacting with strangers online here too!

Location info reveals city name (not exact address) within user’s profile but distance between two users cannot be seen unless both parties agree upon sharing this detail manually via messages exchanged privately between each other outside platform interface itself – thus ensuring privacy concerns remain intact throughout process! Premium subscription does not offer any extra benefits regarding user’s own individual personal page except maybe some additional features like viewing unlimited number of potential matches or sending gifts perhaps…


Single Muslim is a popular dating website for Muslims looking to find love and companionship. The site has been around since 2007, offering an easy-to-use platform with features such as instant messaging, video chat and photo sharing. Single Muslim’s main advantages are its ability to connect people of similar backgrounds from all over the world in one place; it also offers free membership so users can browse through profiles without having to pay anything upfront. Additionally, members have access to advanced search options that allow them to filter their results based on age or location preferences among other criteria. Furthermore, the site provides safety tips and advice on how best use online dating services safely while maintaining privacy settings at all times.

The difference between Single Muslim’s website and app lies mainly in convenience – using the mobile application allows you easier access when you’re out of your home computer or laptop device whereas browsing through a web browser requires more effort due to slower loading speeds compared with apps which usually load faster than websites do because they don’t require additional downloads like plugins etcetera before running properly . In addition , some features may not be available on both platforms depending upon availability but overall , both offer great user experience for those who wish explore potential partners via either method .

At this time there is no official single muslim dating website however this does not mean that individuals cannot meet compatible matches within their faith group by utilizing other existing sites dedicated towards helping muslim singles find eachother (such as Muzmatch). While many would prefer an exclusive space specifically tailored towards connecting fellow believers together ; lack of resources prevents most developers from creating such specialized niche products despite high demand for these types of services amongst devout followers worldwide

Safety & Security

Single Muslim is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for its users. To ensure this, they have implemented several security measures such as verification methods for users, fighting against bots and fake accounts, photo reviews by AI or manual review process depending on the user’s profile information. Single Muslim also provides two-factor authentication option that allows members to verify their identity with an additional layer of security when logging in from new devices or locations. This extra step helps protect member data even further. In addition to these safety features, Single Muslim has a comprehensive privacy policy which outlines how personal data is collected and used within the platform – including what kind of third parties are allowed access it if necessary – so that all members can be confident their private details remain confidential at all times while using the app

Pricing and Benefits

Is Single Muslim Free or Paid?

Single Muslim is a free app, but it does offer an optional paid subscription. The premium version of the app gives users access to additional features and benefits that are not available on the free version.

Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription

  • Unlimited messaging: Users can send unlimited messages with no restrictions when they have a paid subscription. This allows them to communicate more freely with other members without worrying about running out of message credits.
  • Priority customer service: Premium subscribers get priority support from customer service representatives if they ever need help using the app or resolving any issues they may encounter while using it.
  • Ad-free experience: Ads will be removed from all pages for those who opt for a paid membership, making their browsing experience smoother and faster than before!

Prices & Competitiveness

The prices vary depending on how long you choose to subscribe; monthly subscriptions cost $19/monthly whereas yearly ones cost just $14/monthly (billed annually). These prices are competitive compared to similar apps in this market segment as most charge around 20% more than what SingleMuslim offers its customers!

Cancellation Process & Refunds If users decide that they don’t want their subscription anymore, then cancelling is easy – simply go into your account settings and select “Cancel my Subscription” option which will immediately end your current plan without any further charges being applied afterwards! As far as refunds go – these depend entirely upon how much time has passed since purchase was made so make sure you read up on our refund policy beforehand if needed!

Do users really need a paid subscription? It depends entirely upon individual needs – some people might find value in having extra features like ad removal or priority support while others might prefer sticking with basic functionality offered by free version only

Help & Support

Single Muslim is a popular online dating website for those looking to find their perfect match. The website offers many different ways to access support and get help with any issues that may arise during the process of finding your ideal partner.

The first way you can access support on Single Muslim is through its customer service page, which provides answers to commonly asked questions as well as contact information for further assistance if needed. This page also includes helpful tips and advice about using the site, so it’s worth checking out before getting in touch with customer service directly. Additionally, there are several phone numbers available where customers can call or text message Single Muslim’s team members who will be able to provide more detailed guidance when necessary.

Finally, customers have the option of contacting Single Muslim via email by sending an inquiry form located at the bottom of each web page or by visiting their social media pages such as Facebook and Twitter where they often respond quickly within 24 hours depending on how busy they are at that time period . Generally speaking though , response times tend to be quite fast due most inquiries being answered within minutes after submission .


1. Is Single Muslim safe?

Single Muslim is a safe and secure platform for Muslims to find potential partners. The website has an extensive privacy policy in place that outlines how user data will be used, stored, and protected from unauthorized access. All information provided by users is encrypted using the latest security protocols available on the market today. Additionally, Single Muslim also uses advanced fraud prevention measures to ensure that all members are genuine people looking for serious relationships or marriage prospects only. Furthermore, Single Muslim’s customer service team works around-the-clock to provide assistance with any issues related to safety or security concerns as well as answer questions about their services and policies quickly and accurately so customers can feel confident when using their site.

2. Is Single Muslim a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Single Muslim is a real dating site with real users. The website was established in 2000 and has since grown to become one of the largest online matchmaking services for Muslims around the world. It boasts over 4 million members from more than 170 countries, making it an ideal platform for finding potential partners who share similar values and beliefs as you do. Single Muslim offers its users several features that make meeting new people easier such as instant messaging, photo galleries, user-generated blogs and forums where members can discuss topics related to their faith or just everyday life experiences. Additionally they have a comprehensive privacy policy which ensures all personal information shared on the site remains secure at all times – giving users peace of mind when using this service to find someone special in their lives!

3. How to use Single Muslim app?

Using the Single Muslim app is a great way to meet and connect with other single Muslims. The app provides an easy-to-use platform for users to search, browse, and message each other in real time. It also allows you to create your own profile so that others can find out more about you before deciding if they want to get in touch or not. Once connected, users are able to chat via text messages as well as audio/video calls using the built-in voice call feature on the app. Additionally, there are several features such as ‘Icebreakers’ which allow two people who have matched up but don’t know what else say start off their conversation easily by answering fun questions related topics like hobbies or interests; ‘Favourites’ where one user can mark another person’s profile page so it appears at the top of their list when searching; ‘Suggestions’ which show potential matches based on location and age preferences set by both parties involved; plus much more! With all these features available right at your fingertips through this convenient mobile application – meeting new people has never been easier!

4. Is Single Muslim free?

Single Muslim is a free service that provides an easy way for Muslims to meet potential marriage partners. The website offers users the ability to create profiles, search and view other members’ profiles, send messages, receive match suggestions based on their preferences and interests as well as access various resources such as Islamic lectures and articles about relationships. Single Muslim also allows users to connect with others through its forums where they can discuss topics related to religion or dating in general. With all these features available at no cost whatsoever, it’s clear why so many people are turning towards this platform when looking for a compatible partner!

5. Is Single Muslim working and can you find someone there?

Single Muslim is a dating website that helps people of the Islamic faith find compatible partners for marriage. The site works by providing users with access to an extensive database of potential matches, which they can browse through and contact those who interest them. Users are able to create detailed profiles, including information about their religious beliefs and values as well as lifestyle preferences such as age range or location. They can also search using specific criteria such as language spoken or hobbies enjoyed in order to narrow down their options even further. With its focus on compatibility between individuals based on shared interests and values, Single Muslim has helped many couples form lasting relationships leading up to marriage since it was founded in 2000. So yes, you absolutely can find someone there!


In conclusion, Single Muslim is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. Its design and usability are very user-friendly, making it easy to navigate through the various features. Safety and security measures are also in place so users can be sure that their personal information is safe from malicious third parties. The help and support team of the app is available 24/7 should any issues arise during use of the platform. Finally, its user profile quality ensures that all members have provided accurate details about themselves when signing up on Single Muslim – giving users more confidence when choosing potential dates or even life partners! All in all, this makes Single Muslim an excellent choice for anyone seeking out love online with likeminded individuals who share similar values as them!

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Author Anna Roberts

Anna Roberts is an experienced writer specializing in reviews of dating sites and apps. She has been a part of the industry since the dawn of the internet and is passionate about helping people find their perfect match. Anna has extensive knowledge of the online dating scene, from the best apps to the latest trends. She loves to uncover the secrets to successful online dating, and her insights are invaluable for anyone looking for love. In her spare time, Anna enjoys traveling the world, spending time with her family, and exploring new cultures.