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PolyamoryDate Review 2023


PolyamoryDate is an online dating platform designed to connect people who are interested in polyamorous relationships. It was launched in 2020 and has quickly become one of the most popular platforms for those looking to explore alternative relationship styles. The app allows users from all over the world to find like-minded individuals, whether they’re seeking casual flings or more serious commitments.

The target audience for PolyamoryDate includes singles, couples, triads (three partners), quads (four partners) and any other combination of consenting adults looking for a connection with someone else outside their current relationship(s). Users can create detailed profiles that include photos as well as information about themselves such as interests and preferences when it comes to potential matches. They also have access to advanced search filters which make finding compatible matches easier than ever before!

The popularity of PolyamoryDate continues to grow each day; currently there are over 1 million active users on the platform from around 200 countries worldwide – making it one of the largest poly dating sites available today! The app is owned by Positivate Ltd., a UK based company founded by two entrepreneurs passionate about creating safe spaces where people can meet others without judgement or stigma attached due exploring different types of relationships.. In addition, this innovative service has been gaining traction rapidly across five main markets: USA & Canada; Europe; Australia & New Zealand; Latin America and Asia Pacific regions – showing just how far reaching its appeal really is!

        Is Polyamorydate free? Yes indeed - anyone wanting join up need only register via email address or Facebook account at no cost whatsoever so getting started couldn't be simpler!. There's even an accompanying mobile application which makes staying connected with your prospective dates much easier wherever you go – perfect if you're always on-the-go but don't want miss out opportunities because life gets busy!. All registered members receive instant notifications whenever someone likes them back so they never miss out chance meeting new interesting people either way!.

How Does PolyamoryDate Work?

The PolyamoryDate app is an innovative way to connect with other polyamorous people. It offers a secure platform for users who are looking for meaningful relationships, no matter their relationship status or sexual orientation. With its easy-to-use interface and intuitive design, it makes finding compatible partners simple and efficient. The app also provides helpful features such as profile matching algorithms that can help you find the perfect match based on your interests and preferences. Additionally, there are plenty of communication tools available so that users can get to know each other better before deciding if they want to meet in person or not.

Finding profiles on the PolyamoryDate app is straightforward; simply use the search function by specifying gender identity, age range preference etc., then browse through potential matches until you find someone interesting enough to start chatting with them directly via text messages or video chat options provided within the application itself! There’s also a variety of different types of user accounts including single individuals seeking open relationships as well as couples already involved in one – all these account holders have access to similar features like messaging capabilities which make connecting even easier than ever before! Lastly, over 5 million active members from countries around world join this community every month – giving everyone ample opportunity when it comes time searching for love online!.

  • 1.Advanced search filters to find compatible polyamorous partners.
  • 2. Private messaging and chat features for secure communication between members.
  • 3. Comprehensive profile pages with detailed information about each user’s interests, lifestyle choices, relationship preferences and more
  • 4. Events calendar to help users connect in-person at local meetups or other gatherings related to the polyamory community
  • 5 .Detailed blog posts on topics such as navigating open relationships, ethical non-monogamy and creating successful triads/quads/etc..
  • 6 .A safe space where all types of consensual non-monogamous arrangements are accepted without judgement

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the PolyamoryDate app is a simple process. To begin, users must first provide their email address and create a password for secure access to the platform. They will then be asked to enter basic information such as gender identity, age (users must be 18 or older), sexual orientation, relationship status and location in order to match with other members who have similar interests. After submitting these details they can add additional profile photos if desired before being able to start browsing potential matches right away! The registration process is free of charge but once registered users may choose from various subscription plans that offer enhanced features such as unlimited messaging capabilities and advanced search filters.

  • 1.All users must provide a valid email address.
  • 2. Users must be 18 years of age or older to register for the site.
  • 3. A profile photo is required when registering an account on PolyamoryDate, and all photos should adhere to our terms of service guidelines (no nudity, offensive language/images).
  • 4. All new accounts will require verification via SMS before they can access any features on the website or app versions of PolyamoryDate; this helps ensure that only legitimate users are able to use our services and keeps out fake profiles created by bots or malicious actors online who may try to scam other members using false identities and information provided in their profiles
  • 5 .Users need to agree with Terms & Conditions as well as Privacy Policy upon registration process completion in order not just get acquainted with them but also accept its rules at full value 6 .The user has responsibility for keeping his/her password confidential which means it shouldn’t be shared with anyone else even if asked directly from support team representatives 7 .All personal data entered during sign-up procedure should match real identity details such as name, date of birth etc., otherwise your account might get blocked due security reasons 8 .It’s important that every member provides true accurate answers while filling up “About Me” section since this way you’ll increase chances finding right partner

Design and Usability of PolyamoryDate

The PolyamoryDate app has a modern design with bright colors and bold typography. It is easy to find profiles of other people by using the search function or scrolling through suggested matches. The usability of the app is intuitive, making it simple for users to navigate between different sections such as messages, profile settings and more. With a paid subscription there are additional UI improvements that make finding compatible partners even easier.

User Profile Quality

PolyamoryDate is a popular dating website for those interested in polyamorous relationships. User profiles on the site are public, meaning anyone can view them and search through users based on their preferences. Users have the ability to set custom bios as well as add photos of themselves or other images they wish to share with potential matches. There is also a “friends” feature that allows users to connect with each other beyond just messaging and flirting online.

Privacy settings available include hiding your profile from certain members, blocking unwanted messages, setting age restrictions for who can message you, and controlling which information appears publicly such as location info or interests listed in your bio section of the profile page. The site does not offer Google or Facebook sign-in features but there are measures taken by PolyamoryDate staff against fake accounts so that only genuine people use this platform safely without any worry about frauds trying to take advantage of its services . Location info provided by user profiles reveals city names but no indication whatsoever regarding distance between two different users; however it does give an idea about where someone lives geographically speaking if one wants more detailed information than what’s already revealed in their bio section .

Premium subscription offers some benefits when it comes to improving quality of user profiles including access exclusive content related directly towards helping out individuals find better matches according ton their needs , allowing them access private chat rooms hosted specifically for premium subscribers plus many more additional perks depending upon individual plans chosen at time signing up .


PolyamoryDate is a dating website that caters to people interested in polyamorous relationships. The site offers users the ability to search for potential partners based on their interests, as well as create and join groups with other members of the community. It also has an extensive FAQ section which provides answers to common questions about polyamory and relationship dynamics. Some of its main advantages include providing a safe space for individuals who are open-minded about non-monogamous relationships, allowing users to connect with like minded people from around the world, offering advice and resources related to alternative lifestyles, and having an active forum where members can discuss topics relevant to them. On the downside however, it does not have any verification process or background checks when creating profiles so there may be some risk involved when meeting up with someone you met online through this platform.

The PolyamoryDate app is similar but different than its website counterpart; while both offer features such as searching for potential partners by interest or location they differ in terms of user experience due primarily because apps are designed specifically for mobile devices whereas websites work across all platforms including desktops/laptops etc.. Additionally since apps tend be more intuitively designed they often provide easier navigation options compared webpages thus making it simpler finding what one needs quickly without having sift through menus first before getting access desired content within seconds instead minutes (or longer). At present time though there isn’t any dedicated Polymamydate app available yet but hopefully one will become available soon given how popular these types services have become recently among those looking explore alternatives traditional monogamous relationships structures nowadays

Safety & Security

PolyamoryDate is committed to providing its users with a secure and safe environment. The app has implemented various security measures such as user verification, two-factor authentication, manual photo review process and anti-bot technology to protect against fake accounts. User verification requires the user to provide an email address or phone number for confirmation of identity before they can access their account on PolyamoryDate. Photos are manually reviewed by moderators who check if the images meet certain criteria including nudity or inappropriate content before allowing them onto the platform. Furthermore, two factor authentication provides additional layer of protection for users’ accounts from unauthorized access attempts even in case their password gets compromised somehow . Finally, advanced bot detection algorithms help detect any suspicious activity which helps prevent malicious actors from infiltrating into PolyamoryDate’s network infrastructure..

The privacy policy of Polyamory Date ensures that all personal data collected through registration forms is securely stored within servers located in countries where strong laws regarding data storage exist; this includes information like names , emails addresses etc., so that no third party may gain unauthorised access without permission granted by law enforcement authorities

Pricing and Benefits

PolyamoryDate is a popular dating app that allows users to find and connect with potential partners. The question of whether the app is free or needs a paid subscription has been asked by many people looking for love online.

The answer to this question depends on what features you are looking for from PolyamoryDate. While some basic features such as creating an account, browsing profiles, sending messages and using filters are available without any cost, additional advanced features require a paid subscription plan in order to access them.

These plans include:

  • Premium Plan ($19/month): Includes unlimited messaging capabilities along with extra profile visibility options like featured status & verified badges; also provides exclusive discounts on events hosted by Polyamory Date throughout the year

  • VIP Plan ($29/month): Gives all Premium benefits plus even more enhanced profile visibility (elevated search rankings) and increased chances of getting matched up quickly

Both these plans offer competitive prices compared to other similar apps in the market making it worth considering if you want access to those added advantages over free memberships offered elsewhere .

In case someone wants cancel their membership they can do so at anytime through their user settings page within 24 hours before renewal date but there will be no refunds given after cancellation process takes place . All payments made during current billing cycle will not be refunded either .                

Help & Support

PolyamoryDate provides several ways to access support for its users.

The first way is through the website itself, which has a dedicated page with frequently asked questions and answers. This can be accessed by clicking on the “Help” link at the bottom of any page within PolyamoryDate. The FAQs are organized into categories such as Account Settings, Profile & Photos, Messaging & Chatting and Payment Options so that you can quickly find what you need help with without having to search too much or contact customer service directly.

If your issue cannot be solved via this method then there is also an email address provided where customers can submit their queries and expect a response within 24 hours from one of our friendly Customer Service representatives who will do their best to resolve it in a timely manner. Additionally we have set up phone lines where people may call us during business hours (Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm EST) if they would prefer speaking directly instead of using emails or online forms for assistance regarding any technical issues related to PolyamoryDate’s services .

Finally there are social media channels like Facebook , Twitter , Instagram etc.,where customers may reach out if they require more urgent attention than what our other methods provide; here someone from our team should respond back promptly depending on how busy things get but usually no longer than 2-3 days maximum after sending them message/posting comment about issue faced while using site .


1. Is PolyamoryDate safe?

Yes, PolyamoryDate is a safe and secure platform for those looking to explore polyamorous relationships. The website takes great care in ensuring the safety of its users by utilizing strong encryption technology to protect personal information from hackers or other malicious actors. Additionally, all members must go through an extensive verification process before being able to access the site’s features. This includes providing valid photo identification as well as answering questions about their relationship status and intentions on the site. Furthermore, PolyamoryDate has a team of moderators who are available 24/7 to monitor activity on the platform and respond quickly if any suspicious behavior is reported by members. All these measures ensure that everyone using this service can do so with peace of mind knowing that their privacy will be respected at all times while they find compatible partners online safely!

2. Is PolyamoryDate a real dating site with real users?

Yes, PolyamoryDate is a real dating site with real users. The website has been around since 2006 and provides an online space for polyamorous people to connect with one another. It allows members to create profiles that detail their relationship status, interests, hobbies and more in order to find compatible matches who share similar values and lifestyles. Members can also search for other singles or couples based on age range, location or even specific criteria such as sexual orientation or gender identity. Additionally the site offers features like chat rooms where members can discuss topics related to polyamory as well as advice columns from experts on various aspects of relationships including open ones. With its large user base of over 200 000 active monthly visitors it’s clear that this is a legitimate platform which caters specifically towards those looking for non-traditional connections beyond traditional monogamous partnerships

3. How to use PolyamoryDate app?

Using the PolyamoryDate app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s respective store (iOS or Android). Once you have downloaded it, create an account by entering some basic information about yourself such as age, gender identity/expression and relationship status. You can also add a profile picture if you wish to do so.

Once that’s done, start exploring! The main page of the app will show potential matches for you based on your preferences in terms of location and other factors like interests or hobbies. If someone catches your eye then feel free to send them a message – this could be anything from just saying hello to asking more detailed questions about their lifestyle choices etc..

The rest is up to how comfortable both parties are with each other – there may even come a time when meeting up face-to-face becomes possible but always make sure safety comes first! Ultimately though PolyamoryDate provides users with an excellent platform for finding new partners who share similar views on relationships & life in general – enjoy getting out there & making connections today!

4. Is PolyamoryDate free?

PolyamoryDate is a free online dating platform for people interested in polyamorous relationships. It offers many features that are available to all users, including creating and managing profiles, searching for matches based on specific criteria such as age or location, messaging other members directly through the site’s private messaging system, viewing who has viewed your profile and more. PolyamoryDate also provides additional services which require payment of a subscription fee but these services are not necessary to use the website effectively. These extra features include access to advanced search filters so you can find even more compatible partners quickly and easily; an anonymous mode where you can browse without revealing your identity; unlimited messages with no limits on how long they last; priority customer support if any issues arise while using the service; as well as discounts when signing up for longer periods of time at once.

5. Is PolyamoryDate working and can you find someone there?

Yes, PolyamoryDate is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website offers a wide range of features that make it easy for users to connect with like-minded individuals who are interested in exploring polyamorous relationships. It has an extensive search feature which allows you to filter potential matches by age, location, interests and more. Additionally, the site also provides helpful resources such as blogs on topics related to polyamory so that members can learn more about this lifestyle before committing themselves into one relationship or another. Furthermore, PolyamoryDate also hosts events where people can meet up in person and get acquainted with each other better – making it easier for those looking for meaningful connections through this platform!


In conclusion, PolyamoryDate is a great dating app for those who are looking to find partners for polyamorous relationships. The design and usability of the app are intuitive and user-friendly; it’s easy to navigate around the different features. Safety and security measures have been put in place so that users can feel safe when using the platform, while help and support options provide assistance if needed. User profile quality is also good with plenty of detail provided about each person – allowing you to make an informed decision before deciding whether or not they could be compatible with you. All in all, PolyamoryDate offers a reliable service which provides its members with everything they need from a modern dating experience – making it well worth considering as your go-to source for finding love!

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Author Anna Roberts

Anna Roberts is an experienced writer specializing in reviews of dating sites and apps. She has been a part of the industry since the dawn of the internet and is passionate about helping people find their perfect match. Anna has extensive knowledge of the online dating scene, from the best apps to the latest trends. She loves to uncover the secrets to successful online dating, and her insights are invaluable for anyone looking for love. In her spare time, Anna enjoys traveling the world, spending time with her family, and exploring new cultures.