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OnlyFlings 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?


OnlyFlings is an online dating platform that has been around since 2017. It was created to help singles find potential partners for casual encounters and flings, without the need of a long-term commitment or relationship. The app caters to all genders and sexual orientations, so it’s suitable for anyone looking for a no strings attached experience with someone else who shares similar interests.

The platform boasts over 1 million active users from different countries around the world including Australia, Canada, France, Germany and the United States of America (USA). It also claims to have more than 20 thousand new members joining every day in search of their perfect match! OnlyFlings offers free registration as well as some additional features such as video chat rooms which require payment before they can be used by users on the site.

OnlyFlings is owned by its parent company FlirtFinder Inc., which operates several other popular dating sites across Europe & North America too! The mobile version of this website allows you access your account anywhere at any time using either Android or iOS devices – simply download it directly from Google Play Store/Apple App Store respectively if you wish to do so! You will then be able sign up through Facebook login credentials or email address provided when registering; once completed successfully just start browsing profiles available near your location instantly afterwards!.

In terms of popularity within these 5 countries mentioned earlier – USA stands out due its sheer number amounting close 200k daily active user base alone compared others combined total not even reaching half mark yet still growing rapidly each month nonetheless thanks largely part attractive pricing plans offered alongside wide range communication tools making easier connect people faster ever before!.

How Does OnlyFlings Work?

OnlyFlings is a revolutionary dating app that helps users find compatible partners quickly and easily. It uses advanced algorithms to match potential partners based on their interests, lifestyle preferences, location and more. The app also offers an intuitive interface which makes it easy for anyone to use the service without any hassle or confusion. With OnlyFlings you can search through thousands of profiles from all over the world in just seconds – making finding someone special easier than ever before!

The main feature of OnlyFling’s is its powerful profile matching system which allows users to browse through millions of other user’s profiles until they find one that matches their own criteria perfectly. Users are able to customize what type of people they would like meet by specifying age range, gender preference as well as hobbies and interests among others – allowing them to narrow down their searches even further if needed be. Additionally there are various ways for members communicate with each other such as private messaging or video chat options depending on how comfortable both parties feel about meeting up face-to-face right away..

Moreover, this platform has a large base consisting mostly young adults aged 18–35 years old but also includes some older individuals who have been looking for love online too! There is no shortage when it comes diversity either; onlyfling boasts having many different nationalities registered including US citizens (30%), UK residents (15%) , Canadians (10%), Australians(5%) & Europeans(40%). This means whatever your background may be you will definitely not lack choice here at OnlyFling!

Finally once two interested parties decide upon connecting then things really start heating up fast due being able exchange photos/videos privately between themselves using secure encryption technology provided by this application . Furthermore should two singles choose take relationship offline then again there plenty helpful tools available within program such “date ideas” section where couples get creative come fun activities do together ! All these features make sure every member gets most out experience possible so why wait ? Sign today join fastest growing community around !

  • 1.One-click Sharing: Quickly and easily share content with friends, family, or colleagues with a single click.
  • 2. Offline Mode: Access your files even when you’re not connected to the internet.
  • 3. Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP): Enjoy secure file transfers using SFTP encryption technology for added security and privacy protection while transferring data over public networks like Wi-Fi hotspots or other unsecured connections.
  • 4. Cloud Storage Integration: Automatically back up all of your important documents in the cloud so they are always accessible from any device anywhere in the world without having to worry about losing them due to hardware failure or theft of physical media such as USB drives/CDs etc..
  • 5 .Multiplatform Support : Share files across multiple platforms including Windows, Mac OS X , iOS & Android devices .
  • 6 .Activity Logging : Keep track of who has accessed what information at what time through detailed activity logs which can be used for auditing purposes if needed

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the OnlyFlings app is a straightforward process. All you need to do is provide your email address, username, password and date of birth. You will also be asked to confirm that you are over 18 years old as this is the minimum age required for dating on the platform. Registration itself does not cost anything so it’s free of charge. After submitting these details, users can start exploring their matches by using different filters such as gender or location preferences; they can even add photos and videos in order to make their profile more attractive! They will then have access to all features available within the app including messaging other members who might interest them or sending virtual gifts if they want something special for someone else’s birthday etc..

  • 1.All users must be at least 18 years of age.
  • 2. Users must provide a valid email address for verification purposes.
  • 3. A unique username and password combination is required to create an account on OnlyFlings
  • 4. All users are required to agree to the Terms & Conditions before registering with OnlyFlings
  • 5 .Users should upload their profile picture in order to get verified by other members
  • 6 .All personal information provided during registration process should be accurate and up-to-date 7 .Only one account per user is allowed, multiple accounts will result in suspension or permanent ban from using the platform 8 .A valid payment method (credit/debit card) may need to be provided depending upon subscription plan chosen

Design and Usability of OnlyFlings

The OnlyFlings app has a modern and vibrant design. The colors are bold, with shades of pink, blue and yellow dominating the user interface. It is easy to find profiles of other people as they can be filtered by age range or location. The usability is excellent; all features are clearly laid out in an intuitive way so that users can quickly navigate through the different sections without any difficulty. There aren’t many UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription but it does give access to more advanced search filters which makes finding potential matches easier than ever before!

User Profile Quality

Profiles on OnlyFlings are public, so anyone can view them. You can set a custom bio and add photos to your profile for other users to see. There is no “friends” feature or anything similar; instead you have the option of adding people as favorites in order to keep track of who you like best. Privacy settings available include the ability to hide your location info from others if desired, which prevents any indication of city or distance between users being revealed. Additionally, there is not a Google or Facebook sign-in feature – all accounts must be created manually with an email address – helping reduce fake accounts appearing on the site. Premium subscription profiles benefit from increased visibility due their higher ranking within search results compared those without one; making it easier for potential matches discover each other faster than ever before!


OnlyFlings is a popular dating website that offers users the chance to find potential partners and make connections. The site has been around for several years, offering its members an easy-to-use platform with plenty of features to help them meet their match. One of the main advantages of using OnlyFlings is its comprehensive search capabilities which allow you to filter by age, location, interests and more in order to narrow down your options quickly. Additionally, there are various communication tools available such as instant messaging and video chat so you can get know someone better before taking things further offline. On top of this there’s also a mobile app version allowing users on the go access wherever they may be located – perfect for those looking for love while travelling or away from home!

The difference between OnlyFling’s website and app versions lies mainly in convenience; whereas most people prefer using apps when it comes to online dating due their ease-of use (as well as being able take advantage of push notifications) some still like having access via desktop too – especially if they have limited data allowance on their phones/tablets etc.. With both platforms at hand however it means that no matter where you are or what device(s) you own then chances are good that connecting with others won’t be an issue either way! Unfortunately at present time only Flings does not offer any kind web based services yet but hopefully one day soon this will change given how important internet accessibility continues become within our society today…

Safety & Security

OnlyFlings is committed to providing its users with a secure and safe environment for their online dating experience. To ensure this, the app has implemented various security measures such as verification methods for all users, fighting against bots and fake accounts by using AI technology, manually reviewing photos of members before they are posted on the platform and two-factor authentication option available upon sign up. The verification process includes email address confirmation when signing up in order to confirm that it belongs to an authentic user. Additionally, OnlyFlings uses advanced artificial intelligence algorithms which detect any suspicious activity or behaviour from potential bot accounts so they can be blocked right away before causing any harm or damage within the community of real people who use this service. Photos uploaded by members are also carefully reviewed by moderators in order to make sure no inappropriate content is shared through them on OnlyFlings’s website or mobile application. Finally, there is also a two-factor authentication feature available where you can add extra layers of protection whenever logging into your account via phone number validation codes sent directly into your device each time you try accessing it from another device than yours originally used during registration process .

In terms of privacy policy , onlyfligs ensures that all personal data provided at signup will remain confidential between both parties involved (the company itself & customers) . They guarantee not sharing private information with third party companies without prior consent nor making public what should stay hidden among individuals registered under their services . Furthermore , customer’s credit card details will never be stored but rather encrypted according tot he highest standards currently established in payment industry regulations

Pricing and Benefits

Paid Subscription on OnlyFlings

OnlyFlings is a dating app that allows users to find potential partners for casual relationships. The app offers both free and paid subscription options, with the latter providing additional features and benefits.

The paid subscription option of OnlyFlings costs $9.99 per month or $59.99 annually (a savings of 20%). It provides access to exclusive content such as profile verification, advanced search filters, unlimited messaging capabilities, and priority customer service support among other features not available in the free version of the app. This makes it easier for members to find compatible matches quickly without having to spend time searching through hundreds of profiles manually like they would have had if they were using only the basic membership plan offered by this popular online dating platform .

Cancellation process is simple – users can cancel their subscriptions at any time from within their account settings page on OnlyFling’s website or mobile application interface; however refunds are generally not provided unless there has been an error in billing due to technical issues encountered while using either one’s payment method or when signing up initially with credit card information incorrectly entered into system fields during registration phase..

Overall , getting a paid subscription on OnlyFling may be beneficial depending upon user needs but ultimately it comes down individual preference whether someone should opt-in for premium services offered here since most people will likely get along just fine utilizing standard/free package which still includes all core functionalities required making successful connections possible between two interested parties looking same type relationship setup .

Benefits Of Getting A Paid Subscription On Onlyflings: * Profile Verification * Advanced Search Filters * Unlimited Messaging Capabilities * Priority Customer Service Support

Help & Support

OnlyFlings provides a range of support options for its users. The first option is the ‘Help’ page, which can be accessed from the main menu at any time. This page contains information about how to use OnlyFlings and answers some frequently asked questions. It also includes links to contact forms where you can submit your query directly or request a call back from one of their customer service representatives if necessary.

If you would prefer direct contact with an agent then there are several ways this can be done: email, phone or live chat via the website itself – all these methods have been designed to provide quick responses so that queries are resolved as quickly as possible without having to wait in long queues on hold! Additionally, they offer 24/7 support so help is always available when needed most urgently; response times vary depending on type and complexity but generally it should not take more than 30 minutes before someone gets back in touch with you regarding your issue(s).

Finally, there is also an online forum where members post questions and receive advice from other experienced users who may have already encountered similar problems themselves – this could prove invaluable if looking for solutions outside official channels! All these resources combined make up a comprehensive package of assistance that ensures no matter what kind of problem arises while using OnlyFlings – somebody will always be around ready willing able assist them promptly & efficiently every step along way towards resolution…


1. Is OnlyFlings safe?

Yes, OnlyFlings is a safe and secure website. The site takes all necessary steps to ensure the safety of its users by using strong encryption technology for data transmission, employing rigorous verification processes for user accounts, and having an active moderation team that works hard to keep inappropriate content off the platform. Additionally, OnlyFlings has strict rules in place regarding appropriate behavior on their platform which helps maintain a respectful environment where members can feel comfortable interacting with each other. All these measures make it one of the safest dating sites out there today!

2. Is OnlyFlings a real dating site with real users?

Yes, OnlyFlings is a real dating site with real users. The website was created to provide an easy and convenient way for people to connect and find compatible partners online. It has been around since 2013, so it has had plenty of time to build up its user base. All the profiles on the site are verified by staff members before they can be used, ensuring that all users are genuine singles looking for love or companionship. There is also a strict policy against fake accounts which helps ensure that only legitimate individuals use the service in order to protect other members from being scammed or harassed while using this platform. Additionally, there are many features available such as private messaging and video chat rooms which make it easier than ever for potential matches to get acquainted with each other before deciding if they would like take things further offline

3. How to use OnlyFlings app?

Using the OnlyFlings app is easy and straightforward. To get started, you simply need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. Once downloaded, open up the application and create an account with your email address or phone number. After that, you can begin browsing through profiles of potential matches in your area by using filters such as age range, location distance preferences etc., so that you find someone who meets all of your criteria for a perfect match! You can also use various features like messaging other users directly on their profile page if they have accepted friend requests sent by others; sending virtual gifts; creating groups based on interests/hobbies; sharing photos & videos privately within chats – these are just some examples of what’s available when it comes to connecting with people via this dating platform! Finally once you’ve found someone special whom both parties feel comfortable meeting up in person – go ahead and arrange a date at one another’s convenience – enjoy each other’s company while getting to know more about them face-to-face too!

4. Is OnlyFlings free?

No, OnlyFlings is not free. It requires a paid subscription in order to access the full range of features and services offered by the site. The basic membership includes limited messaging capabilities as well as some profile views, but for those who want more options such as unlimited messages or video chat rooms they will need to upgrade their account with one of several different payment plans available on the website. With these upgraded accounts users can enjoy all that OnlyFlings has to offer including advanced search filters, detailed profiles and compatibility matching tools designed specifically for finding compatible partners quickly and easily.

5. Is OnlyFlings working and can you find someone there?

Yes, OnlyFlings is a working website and it can be used to find someone. It offers users the chance to connect with people who share similar interests and desires in an easy-to-use platform. The site has been designed for those looking for casual encounters or no strings attached relationships, making it ideal for anyone seeking something more relaxed than traditional dating sites offer. With its simple search features, you can quickly narrow down your options by age range, location or even specific sexual preferences so that you are sure to find someone compatible with your needs. Additionally, the user base of OnlyFlings is quite large which means there are plenty of potential matches available on this platform from all over the world!


OnlyFlings is a great dating app that offers users the opportunity to find partners for casual and serious relationships. The design of the app is intuitive, making it easy to use. It also has excellent safety and security features, such as profile verification, which helps ensure that all profiles are genuine. Additionally, its help and support team provide timely assistance when needed. Lastly, user profiles are detailed enough so you can get an idea of what someone’s looking for in a partner before deciding whether or not they might be compatible with you. All in all OnlyFlings provides an enjoyable experience while searching for potential dates online without compromising on quality or safety standards – something many other apps fail at doing!

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Author Anna Roberts

Anna Roberts is an experienced writer specializing in reviews of dating sites and apps. She has been a part of the industry since the dawn of the internet and is passionate about helping people find their perfect match. Anna has extensive knowledge of the online dating scene, from the best apps to the latest trends. She loves to uncover the secrets to successful online dating, and her insights are invaluable for anyone looking for love. In her spare time, Anna enjoys traveling the world, spending time with her family, and exploring new cultures.