Little Armenia
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  • Free to join
  • Easy to use interface
  • Large user base
  • Verified profiles for safety
  • Variety of search filters
  • Inconvenient location
  • Limited pool of potential partners
  • Cultural differences can be difficult to navigate
  • Pressure from family and community to marry within the culture
  • Stereotypes about Armenian dating


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    Hardly ever
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Little Armenia 2023 Review


Little Armenia is an app that connects Armenians around the world. It was created to bring together people of Armenian descent and give them a platform to share their culture, language, and traditions with each other. Little Armenia has become one of the most popular apps among Armenians worldwide since its launch in 2017.

Who can you find on this app? On Little Armenia, users will find friends from all over the globe who are connected by their shared heritage or interest in Armenian culture – whether they live near or far away from home country’s borders! The community consists mainly of young adults between 18-35 years old but there are also older generations present as well as those living outside diaspora communities such as Los Angeles (USA), Yerevan (Armenia) , Moscow (Russia).

How many active users are on Little Armenia and how it was launched? Currently more than 200K registered members use this application every month which makes it one of the largest social networks for people interested in Armenian culture today! The idea behind launching “Little Armenia” came when two entrepreneurs realized that there wasn’t any dedicated online space where individuals could connect based solely upon being part of same ethnic group – hence why they decided create something like this themselves back then during summertime 2017 year..

Who owns it and what 5 countries is it most popular? This unique mobile experience belongs to team called "Yeraz" LLC located at Yerevan city within Republic Of ARMENIA . Top five countries having highest userbase count includes USA , Russia , France & Germany along with homeland itself – ARMENIA ! In addition recently we’ve noticed growing trend towards new nations joining us so hopefully soon list shall be extended even further ..

Is the app free to use ? Yes indeed our service completely free without any hidden fees involved . That means anyone willing may join our family simply via signing up process described below :

Does Little Armenia have an App ? How can a user access it ? Absolutely yes we do offer both Android & iOS versions available through respective stores under name "LittleAR". Alternatively if someone prefers web version instead just visit website www dot littlearmenia dot com address directly using either desktop computer / laptop device browser type software installed inside his/her machine …

How Does Little Armenia Work?

The Little Armenia app is a revolutionary way to connect with Armenians from around the world. It provides users with an easy and efficient way to find profiles of other Armenian people, no matter where they are located. The app has two types of user accounts: regular users who can create their own profile, search for others in the community and send messages; as well as premium members who have access to more features such as advanced searching options and exclusive content.

Users on Little Armenia can easily find each other by using filters based on location or interests. For example, if you want to look for someone living in Los Angeles or interested in music production then all you need do is enter these criteria into the search bar provided within the app interface. You will be presented with a list of potential matches that meet your requirements – making it easier than ever before! Additionally, there are currently over five million registered users from countries including USA, Russia , France , Germany & UK .

Moreover, once connected via Little Armenia’s messaging system both parties involved get notified when one person sends out new messages – this helps ensure that conversations remain active even after long periods apart due its real-time notifications feature which keeps everyone updated about what’s going on at any given time without having them check back constantly.. Furthermore communication between friends/family becomes much simpler thanks to integrated video calling capabilities so those unable travel physically still stay close through virtual means instead!

In addition little armenia also offers unique services like events calendar integration allowing its members plan ahead for upcoming activities taking place near them (or far away). This ensures everyone knows exactly what’s happening when & how best prepare accordingly thus eliminating confusion caused by lack thereof information beforehand! Finally another great benefit offered exclusively Premium subscribers includes translation service translating text sent received into language desired ensuring perfect understanding between international connections regardless background differences present initially during initial contact stages too!.

  • 1.Home to the largest Armenian diaspora population outside of Armenia
  • 2. Unique blend of Eastern European and Middle Eastern cultures
  • 3. Hosts numerous annual festivals, including Taste of Little Armenia and the Armenian Street Festival
  • 4. Numerous restaurants serving traditional Armenian cuisine such as shish kebab, lahmajoun (meat pizza), dolma (stuffed grape leaves) and more
  • 5. Historic landmarks like St Mary’s Church in Hollywood that was built in 1915 by local Armenians for their community
  • 6. Abundance of art galleries showcasing contemporary works from both established artists within Little Armenia as well as international talent

Registration – How Easy Is It?

The registration process on the Little Armenia app is straightforward and easy. First, users need to download the app from their respective App Store or Play Store. After downloading it, they will be asked to enter basic information such as name, age (the minimum required age for dating on this platform is 18 years old), gender identity and email address. Once all these details are filled in correctly and submitted by pressing ‘Sign Up’ button at the bottom of page then a verification link will be sent via email which needs to be clicked within 24 hours in order for account activation; after that users can start exploring various features available on Little Armenia like creating profile with pictures & videos uploads etc., searching other profiles according to their interests/preferences etc.. It’s free of cost so anyone who meets above mentioned criteria can register themselves without any charges involved!

  • 1.Proof of Armenian heritage: All applicants must provide a valid form of proof, such as an Armenian passport or birth certificate.
  • 2. Age requirement: Applicants must be at least 18 years old to register for Little Armenia membership.
  • 3. Payment method: Acceptable payment methods include credit/debit cards and PayPal accounts only; cash payments are not accepted under any circumstances.
  • 4. Photo ID verification: A government-issued photo identification card (such as a driver’s license) is required for all applications in order to verify the identity of the applicant prior to registration approval by Little Armenia administrators and staff members .
  • 5 Address Verification : The address provided on the application form should match that which appears on your official documents such as utility bills, bank statements etc., otherwise it will be rejected due to discrepancies with existing records held by our system..
  • 6 Criminal Record Check : All applicants will need to undergo criminal record checks before their application can be approved in order for us assess whether they have committed any serious offences that would prevent them from becoming part of our community . 7 Documentation Required : In additionto providing proofof Armenian heritage ,applicantsmust also submit copiesof other relevant documentation includingpassport /visa information ,proofof residenceand employment statusas well astax returnsif applicable .. 8 References & Character Reference Letters – Two referencesarerequiredfor eachapplication alongwith twocharacter reference lettersfrom individuals who knowthe applicantpersonallyin orderto confirmtheir good characterprior toreceivingmembershipapproval

Design and Usability of Little Armenia

The Little Armenia app has a modern and vibrant design, with bright colors that make it visually appealing. The profiles of other people are easy to find as the search bar is clearly visible at the top of each page. Usability wise, navigating through the app is straightforward and intuitive; all features can be accessed quickly from one central location. For those who purchase a paid subscription there are additional UI improvements such as an enhanced profile view which makes it easier to interact with others on the platform.

User Profile Quality

The quality of user profiles on Little Armenia is quite high. All users have the ability to create a profile with an avatar, custom bio and other information about themselves. The public can view these profiles as well as friends who are connected through the “friends” feature or something similar. Privacy settings are available for users so they can control what information is visible to others such as their location info which reveals city but not exact address unless specified by the user. Additionally, there is no Google or Facebook sign-in feature and fake accounts are rarely seen due to strict moderation policies in place on Little Armenia’s platform.

Location info in each profile also includes an indication of distance between two different users if both choose to reveal it – this helps facilitate communication between members located close together geographically while still protecting privacy rights of those that wish not disclose too much personal data online at once time . Premium subscription benefits include access exclusive content from verified sources along with additional features related specifically tailored towards improving one’s overall experience within Little Armenia community like special discounts etc..


Little Armenia currently has a dating website called LoveArmenia. This site is designed to help singles in the Armenian community find meaningful relationships and connections with others who share similar backgrounds, interests, and values. The main advantages of this site are that it provides an easy-to-use platform for members to search for potential matches; its user base consists exclusively of Armenians from around the world; users can access detailed profiles on each member as well as read up on safety tips before engaging in conversations or meeting someone new; and there are various communication tools available such as chat rooms, private messaging options, etc. The primary disadvantage of LoveArmenia is that it does not have a mobile app counterpart which limits its reach among younger generations who rely heavily on their phones when looking for love online. Additionally, since all members must be verified by staff prior to being accepted into the database some may feel like they’re missing out if they don’t get approved quickly enough due to high demand levels at certain times throughout the year. Alternatively if Little Armenia did not have any kind of dating website then this could potentially be attributed towards cultural norms where many people still prefer traditional methods such as introductions through family or friends over modern digital solutions like those offered by most popular apps today. Furthermore other factors might include limited resources (time/money) needed to create & maintain one’s own web service combined with relatively low market penetration within Armenia itself compared with more developed countries worldwide which make launching something commercially viable much harder than usual under these circumstances

Safety & Security

App security in Little Armenia is of utmost importance, as it helps to protect users from malicious actors. To ensure the safety and privacy of its user base, Little Armenia has implemented a comprehensive verification process for all new accounts. This includes verifying phone numbers through SMS or calls, validating email addresses with unique codes sent via email, and manually reviewing profile photos uploaded by users. Furthermore, advanced AI technology is employed to detect bots and fake accounts that may be used for nefarious purposes such as phishing attacks or identity theft attempts.

Little Armenia also offers two-factor authentication (2FA) which adds an extra layer of protection when logging into one’s account on any device connected to the internet – making sure only authorized individuals can access their data at any given time without compromising personal information stored within their profiles. Additionally, they have established strict policies regarding how user data should be handled in order to safeguard against unauthorized use or misuse; this includes limiting access rights based on roles assigned within organizations/teams while maintaining transparency about what type of information will be collected during registration processes so that users are aware beforehand if there are any potential risks associated with signing up for services provided by Little Armenia’s platform(s).

Pricing and Benefits

Little Armenia is an app that provides users with access to Armenian news, music, movies and more. It offers both free and paid subscription options for its users.

The free version of Little Armenia allows you to watch a limited selection of content such as some movies and TV shows but it does not include the full library or other features like exclusive events or discounts on merchandise. The premium subscription costs $9.99 per month which gives you unlimited access to all content including new releases before they are available anywhere else plus special discounts on products in their store. This makes the price competitive compared to similar services offered by competitors who may charge up to double this amount for comparable packages without any additional benefits included in them like those provided by Little Armenia’s Premium package..

If at any point during your membership period you decide that the service no longer meets your needs then cancelling is easy – simply log into your account settings page and click ‘cancel’ – there will be no further charges after cancellation has been completed although refunds cannot be issued if payment was made within 14 days prior (as stated in their terms & conditions).

Overall, while having a paid subscription can give users added value from what they get from using Little Armenia’s platform it isn’t necessary unless one wants access beyond what comes with the basic plan; however even then prices remain competitive when compared against alternatives so deciding whether getting a premium package would suit individual user needs should come down solely based upon personal preference rather than cost considerations alone!

Help & Support

Little Armenia is a great resource for people looking to access support. It provides users with multiple ways of getting in touch and finding answers quickly.

The first way to get help on Little Armenia is by visiting their website, which has an extensive FAQ page that covers many common questions about the service. The site also includes contact information for customer service representatives who can be reached via email or phone call if needed. In addition, there are forums where users can ask other members questions as well as share experiences and advice related to using the platform.

Response times vary depending on how busy they are but generally speaking it should not take more than 24 hours before you receive a response from one of their team members either through email or over the phone line – though most inquiries will usually be answered within just a few hours at most during normal business days (Monday-Friday). Additionally, some issues may require additional research time so responses could take longer in those cases too – however this isn’t typically necessary unless your issue requires further investigation into technical details etc..


1. Is Little Armenia safe?

Little Armenia is generally considered to be a safe place for visitors. The area has experienced some crime, but it is usually limited to petty theft and the occasional mugging. As with any urban area, travelers should exercise caution when walking alone at night or in unfamiliar areas of the city. It’s also important to keep an eye on your belongings while out and about as pickpocketing can occur in crowded places like markets or tourist attractions. Overall though, Little Armenia remains a relatively safe destination for tourists who take basic safety precautions such as not carrying large amounts of cash or valuables with them while exploring this vibrant part of Los Angeles County

2. Is Little Armenia a real dating site with real users?

Little Armenia is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 2002 and was created to provide an online space for Armenians from all over the world to connect, network, and find potential romantic partners. The website boasts thousands of members who are looking for friendship or love in their own Armenian community. Little Armenia offers various features such as chat rooms, instant messaging services, forums where people can discuss topics related to culture and lifestyle choices among other things; it also provides access to singles events that take place both online and offline throughout the year so that members have more opportunities meet each other face-to-face if they choose too. With its long history of providing quality service within this niche market, Little Armenia remains one of the most popular sites dedicated specifically towards helping Armenians make meaningful connections with others in their area or abroad.

3. How to use Little Armenia app?

Using the Little Armenia app is easy and straightforward. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s respective App Store or Google Play store. Once installed, you will be prompted to create an account with a valid email address. After that, you can start exploring all of its features! The main page provides quick access to different sections such as Events & Activities, News & Media, Community Forum and more. You can also search for specific topics using keywords in order to find relevant content quickly and easily. Additionally, users have access to exclusive discounts on products from Armenian businesses when they shop through the Little Armenia Marketplace section of the app! Finally there are several social media integration options available so that users can stay connected with their friends who use this platform too – making it easier than ever before for Armenians around world connect online regardless of where they live or what language they speak!

4. Is Little Armenia free?

Little Armenia is not a free country. It has been under the control of Turkey since 1915, when it was annexed by Ottoman forces during World War I. The Armenian people have long sought independence from Turkish rule and continue to struggle for autonomy today. In recent years, tensions between Armenians and Turks have risen due to disputes over land ownership in the region as well as political disagreements regarding regional governance structures such as Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’s status within Azerbaijan’s borders. As a result of these ongoing conflicts, Little Armenia remains an occupied territory with limited freedom or self-determination for its citizens

5. Is Little Armenia working and can you find someone there?

Little Armenia is an online community that connects people of Armenian descent around the world. It has been in operation since 2001 and continues to be a popular destination for Armenians seeking to connect with one another, share news, discuss topics related to their culture, or just catch up on what’s happening back home. Through Little Armenia you can find someone from anywhere in the world who shares your background and interests – whether it’s discussing politics or sharing recipes for traditional dishes. The site also offers resources such as travel advice, job postings and even a forum where members can ask questions about anything they need help with related to being Armenian-American. With its easy-to-use interface and large user base, Little Armenia makes it simple for anyone looking for an authentic connection within the global Armenian diaspora.


In conclusion, Little Armenia is a great dating app for Armenians. It offers an easy-to-use platform to find partners and meet people with similar interests. The design of the app is modern and user friendly, making it enjoyable to use. Safety and security features are also in place so users can feel safe when using the service. Help & support options are available if needed as well as quality profiles that make finding potential matches easier than ever before. All in all, Little Armenia provides a great experience for those looking for love or friendship within their own culture – something not easily found elsewhere!

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Author Jacqueline Kelly

Jacqueline Kelly is a dating and relationships blogger living in New York City. She has been writing about the topics of dating and relationships for the past five years, exploring topics such as communication, boundaries, and emotional intelligence. She has a deep passion for helping people find and sustain healthy relationships, and her articles have been featured on websites such as The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. She also hosts a podcast and YouTube channel that focus on dating and relationships. Outside of writing, Jacqueline loves travelling, going to music festivals, and trying new restaurants.