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LadyBoyKisses 2023 Review


LadyBoyKisses is an online dating platform that caters to transgender and transsexual individuals. Launched in 2011, it has grown into one of the most popular platforms for people looking for companionship, friendship or even love. It’s a safe space where users can connect with like-minded people without fear of judgment or discrimination.

The app offers many features such as instant messaging, photo galleries and private chat rooms which allow its members to get to know each other better before taking things further if they choose too. LadyBoyKisses also allows users to post their own personal ads so others can find them more easily based on what type of relationship they are seeking out – whether it be casual flings or something serious long term wise.. The website itself is free but there are premium options available depending on how much access you want within the community (e.,g VIP membership).

Ladyboykisses currently boasts over 500 thousand active monthly users from all around the world who have signed up since its launch in 2011; making this one of the largest trans-dating sites out there today! This site was founded by German entrepreneur Jens Schmidt who wanted create a place specifically designed for those underrepresented communities not found elsewhere online at that time period.. Since then he’s been able expand his reach beyond Germany into five countries: United States, Canada ,Australia ,New Zealand & UK being some examples . He now owns multiple websites catering towards different genders/sexualities including GayRomeo & Planetromeo amongst others!.

Accessing this app couldn’t be easier either; as well having an easy user friendly web browser version – you can download both iOS and Android versions straight onto your device via App Store / Google Play store respectively ! Registration process requires basic information such age range gender location etc… once registered newbies will receive notification emails about any updates/promotions happening within community every month keeping everyone informed about whats going on inside ladyboykiss network!

How Does LadyBoyKisses Work?

The LadyBoyKisses app is a unique dating platform that caters to transgender and non-binary individuals. It offers users the opportunity to connect with like-minded people from around the world, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation. The app provides an easy way for users to find potential matches by allowing them to search through profiles based on criteria such as age, location, interests and more. Users can also communicate via private messages or public chat rooms in order to get better acquainted before deciding if they would like pursue a relationship further.

In addition, LadyBoyKisses has over 1 million active members from all five continents including North America, South America Europe Asia Pacific and Africa; making it one of the largest trans dating platforms available today! With so many different types of user accounts ranging from singles looking for serious relationships right up those seeking casual encounters there really is something here for everyone regardless of what you are searching for in your ideal partner!

Once registered on this site you will be able access detailed profile information about other members who have signed up which includes details such as physical attributes (height/weight etc.), lifestyle preferences (smoking/drinking habits), occupation type plus much more besides – enabling each individual member tailor searches according their own personal tastes & requirements when browsing through potential partners online . Furthermore ,if desired there are additional advanced search options available which allow even greater levels detail when narrowing down possible matches – ensuring that only relevant results appear within any given query made by yourself !

Ladyboykisses goes beyond just providing its users with an effective matchmaking service though ; once two parties agree upon meeting face-to face then additional features become unlocked including being able send virtual gifts / flirts , view live video streams broadcasted directly onto device itself plus take advantage secure payment systems should wish make financial transactions securely without having worry about data privacy issues arising due security breaches occurring elsewhere ! Finally let not forget mention fact safety paramount concern at heart this particular application meaning measures taken ensure both real life meet ups occur safely well adhering strict guidelines set out terms use document prior signing agreement anything else taking place between two involved parties .

  • 1.Secure and anonymous messaging system
  • 2. Comprehensive profile search capabilities
  • 3. Advanced filtering options to find the perfect match
  • 4. Video chat feature for real-time conversations with potential matches
  • 5. Real-time notifications when someone views your profile or sends you a message
  • 6. Access to exclusive LadyBoyKisses events and activities

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the LadyBoyKisses app is a simple and straightforward process. First, you will need to provide your basic information such as name, gender identity, date of birth (the minimum age requirement for dating on this app is 18 years old), email address and password. You can also upload a profile picture if desired. Once all these details have been submitted correctly, an activation link will be sent to your provided email address which needs to be clicked in order for the registration process to complete successfully. After that step has been completed you are free to start exploring other users’ profiles or even create one yourself! Registration on LadyBoyKisses is completely free so anyone over 18 years old can join without having any financial worries about it!

  • 1.All users must be 18 years of age or older.
  • 2. Users must provide a valid email address and phone number for verification purposes.
  • 3. Users are required to create a username, password, and profile photo before they can access the site’s features and services.
  • 4. User profiles should include accurate information about their gender identity/expression, interests, hobbies etc., as well as any other relevant details that may help potential matches get to know them better (e..g education level).
  • 5 .Users will need to agree with LadyBoyKisses’ terms of service in order to register an account on the website; this includes agreeing not post inappropriate content or use offensive language when interacting with others through the platform .
  • 6 .All users are expected adhere by LadyBoyKisses’ community guidelines which outline acceptable behavior while using its services such as respecting one another’s privacy & refraining from harassment or bullying online; these rules apply both inside & outside of private conversations between members too! 7) As part of registration process , all new accounts must pass security checks designed ensure only genuine people join up – including providing proof identification documents if requested by administrators at any time during membership period 8 ) Finally , it is mandatory for each user complete full questionnaire upon signing up so that we can match you more accurately based your answers

Design and Usability of LadyBoyKisses

The LadyBoyKisses app has a modern design with bright colors that make it visually appealing. The layout is intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing users to quickly find profiles of other people. Usability-wise, the app is straightforward and simple; all features are easily accessible from the main page. With a paid subscription you can access additional features such as private messaging or live chat options which further improve user experience by providing more ways for communication between members.

User Profile Quality

The quality of user profiles on LadyBoyKisses is generally good. All the profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone who visits the website, regardless if they have an account or not. Each profile includes a custom bio section where users can write about themselves in detail and share their interests with other members. There isn’t a "friends" feature but there is a chatroom which allows people to communicate easily with each other online.

Privacy settings available to users include being able to hide your location info from others, so you don’t need to reveal your city or any indication of distance between yourself and another member if you choose not too – this helps protect privacy for those who want it while still allowing them access all features that require location data such as searching for nearby matches etc.. Users also have the option of signing up using either Google or Facebook accounts rather than creating new ones specifically for LadyBoyKisses – however these options should only be used at one’s own discretion since it may make personal information more vulnerable depending on how much security has been set up around those external accounts beforehand .

Lastly, fake accounts are quite rare due to strict moderation policies implemented by administrators; additionally premium subscription holders receive certain benefits such as increased visibility within search results compared against non-premium subscribers – making sure real people get seen first before potential fakes do!


LadyBoyKisses is an online dating site specifically designed for transgender singles. It offers a safe and secure environment to meet other like-minded individuals who are looking for friendship, love or companionship. The website provides users with access to thousands of profiles from around the world, allowing them to connect with potential partners in their area or further away if they choose. LadyBoyKisses also has a mobile app which allows members to stay connected on the go and keep up with messages even when not at home or work computer.

The main advantage of using LadyBoyKisses is that it’s easy and convenient – you can search through hundreds of profiles quickly without having any restrictions based on gender identity/expression; plus there’s no need for extensive profile creation as most information is already provided by each user (including pictures). Another great feature about this platform is its privacy settings: users have full control over how much personal information they want displayed publicly versus what should remain private between two people only (e.g., contact details). On the downside, some may find it difficult navigating through all available options due to lack of clear categories/filters offered by Ladyboykisses; additionally certain features such as video chat require additional fees before being accessible so those wanting free use might be disappointed here too!

Safety & Security

LadyBoyKisses is a dating app that offers an exclusive platform for transgender individuals to meet and connect with each other. The security of the users on LadyBoyKisses is taken very seriously, which makes it one of the safest apps in its category. All user accounts are verified through email verification as well as photo identification before they can access any features or services offered by LadyBoyKisses. Photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed and approved by moderators to ensure that only genuine photos appear on their profiles. Additionally, all conversations between members take place within secure chat rooms where no third-party interference is allowed at any point during the conversation process. Furthermore, two-factor authentication has been implemented so that every time a user logs into his/her account from another device than usual he/she will have to provide additional proof such as answering security questions or entering codes sent via SMS message before being able to log in successfully again..

The privacy policy adopted by Ladyboykisses ensures complete protection for all its customers’ data including personal information like name, age etc., contact details like phone number & address; payment details if applicable; preferences related content viewed while using our website etc.; location data collected when you use certain features provided through our service ; cookies stored in your browser used for better understanding how visitors interact with us . This information remains completely confidential unless required under law enforcement agencies who may require this info due legal proceedings initiated against them

Pricing and Benefits

LadyBoyKisses Paid Subscription

LadyBoyKisses is a dating app that allows users to connect with transgender and non-binary individuals. The app offers both free and paid subscription options, allowing users to choose the one that best suits their needs.

The basic version of the app is completely free for all members, providing access to its features such as messaging other members or creating an online profile. However, those who want more from their experience can opt for a premium membership which provides additional benefits like unlimited messages and exclusive content not available on the regular version of the site.

Benefits Of A Premium Membership:

  • Unlimited Messages & Chatting With Other Members – Access To Exclusive Content Not Available On Regular Version Of Site – Enhanced Profile Visibility For More Matches – Ability To View Who Has Liked Your Profile
    – Ad Free Experience – Discounts On Special Events And Products

The prices vary depending on how long you sign up for; 1 month costs $29/month while 6 months cost $19/month (savings of 34%). This makes it quite competitive compared to similar apps in terms of pricing structure but also considering what’s included in each package.

Cancellation process varies depending on whether you are using Apple App Store or Google Play store services so make sure you check out specific instructions before proceeding with cancellation request if needed be refunded accordingly upon completion process . Users do not really need a paid subscription unless they wish extra privileges such as ad-free experiences , discounts etc . All these factors must be taken into consideration when deciding whether getting Ladyboykisses premium membership would benefit them or not .

Help & Support

LadyBoyKisses is a popular online dating site for transgender individuals. The website provides users with access to support and resources in order to make their experience as enjoyable and successful as possible.

The first way that you can access support on LadyBoyKisses is through the FAQ page located at the bottom of every page on the website. This page contains answers to commonly asked questions about how to use LadyBoyKisses, account settings, safety tips, billing information and more. Additionally, if your question isn’t answered there are contact forms available so that you can submit any additional inquiries directly via email or phone call depending upon your preference. Generally speaking response times from customer service representatives range between 24-48 hours but may vary based upon volume of requests received during peak periods such as holidays or weekends when staff availability may be limited due to increased demand for services provided by our team members worldwide .

Finally , it should also be noted that while we do not have an official live chat feature currently available , many helpful community members often provide assistance within our public forums which are easily accessible after creating an account . By participating in these conversations one will gain insight into common issues faced by other customers who have encountered similar problems before them – allowing them quickly find solutions without having wait long periods time receive direct responses from customer service personnel .


<!– wp:yoast/faq-block {"questions":[{"id":"faq-question-7366248195462","question":["1. Is LadyBoyKisses safe?"],"answer":["LadyBoyKisses is a dating website that caters to transgender individuals, so it can be difficult to determine how safe the site actually is. However, LadyBoyKisses takes security and safety very seriously. The site has taken several steps in order to ensure its members are as safe as possible while using the service. All of their user profiles are monitored by moderators who check for any suspicious activity or behavior before approving them on the platform. Additionally, all communication between users must go through an encrypted channel which prevents anyone from intercepting messages sent over this system without authorization from both parties involved in the conversation. Furthermore, LadyBoyKisses also provides detailed advice about online safety such as never sharing personal information with strangers and avoiding sending money or gifts unless you know someone well enough offline first; these guidelines help protect people against potential scams or frauds when interacting with other users on their website"],"jsonQuestion":"1. Is LadyBoyKisses safe?","jsonAnswer":"LadyBoyKisses is a dating website that caters to transgender individuals, so it can be difficult to determine how safe the site actually is. However, LadyBoyKisses takes security and safety very seriously. The site has taken several steps in order to ensure its members are as safe as possible while using the service. All of their user profiles are monitored by moderators who check for any suspicious activity or behavior before approving them on the platform. Additionally, all communication between users must go through an encrypted channel which prevents anyone from intercepting messages sent over this system without authorization from both parties involved in the conversation. Furthermore, LadyBoyKisses also provides detailed advice about online safety such as never sharing personal information with strangers and avoiding sending money or gifts unless you know someone well enough offline first; these guidelines help protect people against potential scams or frauds when interacting with other users on their website"},{"id":"faq-question-4219781029259","question":["2. Is LadyBoyKisses a real dating site with real users?"],"answer":["Yes, LadyBoyKisses is a real dating site with real users. The website was founded in 2010 and has since grown to become one of the most popular transgender dating sites on the internet. It boasts thousands of active members from all over the world who are looking for friendship, romance or even marriage. With its easy-to-use interface and intuitive search functions, it makes finding potential matches easier than ever before. Furthermore, LadyBoyKisses offers several safety features such as photo verification so that you can be sure that you\u2019re interacting with genuine people only!”],”jsonQuestion”:”2. Is LadyBoyKisses a real dating site with real users?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Yes, LadyBoyKisses is a real dating site with real users. The website was founded in 2010 and has since grown to become one of the most popular transgender dating sites on the internet. It boasts thousands of active members from all over the world who are looking for friendship, romance or even marriage. With its easy-to-use interface and intuitive search functions, it makes finding potential matches easier than ever before. Furthermore, LadyBoyKisses offers several safety features such as photo verification so that you can be sure that you\u2019re interacting with genuine people only!”},{“id”:”faq-question-9303941000244″,”question”:[“3. How to use LadyBoyKisses app?”],”answer”:[“Using the LadyBoyKisses app is a great way to meet and connect with other members of the transgender community. The app provides an easy-to-use platform for users to create profiles, search for potential matches, chat in real time and even arrange dates. To get started using this app, first download it from your device\u2019s respective App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded it onto your device, open up the application and register by providing some basic information such as age range preferences and location details so that you can be matched with people who are within close proximity of each other geographically speaking. After registering successfully on LadyBoyKisses ,you will then be able to start searching through all available profiles which include pictures uploaded by its users along with their personal descriptions about themselves including what they are looking for in terms of relationships or friendships etc.. You can also use advanced filters like gender preference if desired when narrowing down results .Once you find someone interesting whom you would like to talk further ,you may send them messages via private chats directly from within the application itself!”],”jsonQuestion”:”3. How to use LadyBoyKisses app?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Using the LadyBoyKisses app is a great way to meet and connect with other members of the transgender community. The app provides an easy-to-use platform for users to create profiles, search for potential matches, chat in real time and even arrange dates. To get started using this app, first download it from your device\u2019s respective App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded it onto your device, open up the application and register by providing some basic information such as age range preferences and location details so that you can be matched with people who are within close proximity of each other geographically speaking. After registering successfully on LadyBoyKisses ,you will then be able to start searching through all available profiles which include pictures uploaded by its users along with their personal descriptions about themselves including what they are looking for in terms of relationships or friendships etc.. You can also use advanced filters like gender preference if desired when narrowing down results .Once you find someone interesting whom you would like to talk further ,you may send them messages via private chats directly from within the application itself!”},{“id”:”faq-question-1402579409946″,”question”:[“4. Is LadyBoyKisses free?”],”answer”:[“No, LadyBoyKisses is not free. The website offers a range of membership options with varying levels of access to the site’s features and services. Membership plans start at $9.99 per month for basic access, while premium memberships offer additional benefits such as unlimited messaging and profile views for an extra fee. Additionally, users can purchase tokens which allow them to use certain features on the site such as sending virtual gifts or viewing private photos from other members’ profiles.”],”jsonQuestion”:”4. Is LadyBoyKisses free?”,”jsonAnswer”:”No, LadyBoyKisses is not free. The website offers a range of membership options with varying levels of access to the site’s features and services. Membership plans start at $9.99 per month for basic access, while premium memberships offer additional benefits such as unlimited messaging and profile views for an extra fee. Additionally, users can purchase tokens which allow them to use certain features on the site such as sending virtual gifts or viewing private photos from other members’ profiles.”},{“id”:”faq-question-4977843092176″,”question”:[“5. Is LadyBoyKisses working and can you find someone there?”],”answer”:[“Yes, LadyBoyKisses is a working website that allows people to find someone special. The site has been around since 2006 and continues to be one of the most popular transgender dating sites in the world. With over 400,000 members from all corners of the globe, you can easily search for potential matches using their advanced search feature or browse through thousands of profiles on their homepage. On LadyBoyKisses you will find a variety of users ranging from those looking for serious relationships to casual encounters and even just friends with similar interests. Whether it\u2019s love or friendship that you are seeking there is sure to be someone who meets your criteria waiting for you at this online community!”],”jsonQuestion”:”5. Is LadyBoyKisses working and can you find someone there?”,”jsonAnswer”:”Yes, LadyBoyKisses is a working website that allows people to find someone special. The site has been around since 2006 and continues to be one of the most popular transgender dating sites in the world. With over 400,000 members from all corners of the globe, you can easily search for potential matches using their advanced search feature or browse through thousands of profiles on their homepage. On LadyBoyKisses you will find a variety of users ranging from those looking for serious relationships to casual encounters and even just friends with similar interests. Whether it\u2019s love or friendship that you are seeking there is sure to be someone who meets your criteria waiting for you at this online community!”}]} –>

1. Is LadyBoyKisses safe?

LadyBoyKisses is a dating website that caters to transgender individuals, so it can be difficult to determine how safe the site actually is. However, LadyBoyKisses takes security and safety very seriously. The site has taken several steps in order to ensure its members are as safe as possible while using the service. All of their user profiles are monitored by moderators who check for any suspicious activity or behavior before approving them on the platform. Additionally, all communication between users must go through an encrypted channel which prevents anyone from intercepting messages sent over this system without authorization from both parties involved in the conversation. Furthermore, LadyBoyKisses also provides detailed advice about online safety such as never sharing personal information with strangers and avoiding sending money or gifts unless you know someone well enough offline first; these guidelines help protect people against potential scams or frauds when interacting with other users on their website

2. Is LadyBoyKisses a real dating site with real users?

Yes, LadyBoyKisses is a real dating site with real users. The website was founded in 2010 and has since grown to become one of the most popular transgender dating sites on the internet. It boasts thousands of active members from all over the world who are looking for friendship, romance or even marriage. With its easy-to-use interface and intuitive search functions, it makes finding potential matches easier than ever before. Furthermore, LadyBoyKisses offers several safety features such as photo verification so that you can be sure that you’re interacting with genuine people only!

3. How to use LadyBoyKisses app?

Using the LadyBoyKisses app is a great way to meet and connect with other members of the transgender community. The app provides an easy-to-use platform for users to create profiles, search for potential matches, chat in real time and even arrange dates. To get started using this app, first download it from your device’s respective App Store or Google Play store. Once you have downloaded it onto your device, open up the application and register by providing some basic information such as age range preferences and location details so that you can be matched with people who are within close proximity of each other geographically speaking. After registering successfully on LadyBoyKisses ,you will then be able to start searching through all available profiles which include pictures uploaded by its users along with their personal descriptions about themselves including what they are looking for in terms of relationships or friendships etc.. You can also use advanced filters like gender preference if desired when narrowing down results .Once you find someone interesting whom you would like to talk further ,you may send them messages via private chats directly from within the application itself!

4. Is LadyBoyKisses free?

No, LadyBoyKisses is not free. The website offers a range of membership options with varying levels of access to the site’s features and services. Membership plans start at $9.99 per month for basic access, while premium memberships offer additional benefits such as unlimited messaging and profile views for an extra fee. Additionally, users can purchase tokens which allow them to use certain features on the site such as sending virtual gifts or viewing private photos from other members’ profiles.

5. Is LadyBoyKisses working and can you find someone there?

Yes, LadyBoyKisses is a working website that allows people to find someone special. The site has been around since 2006 and continues to be one of the most popular transgender dating sites in the world. With over 400,000 members from all corners of the globe, you can easily search for potential matches using their advanced search feature or browse through thousands of profiles on their homepage. On LadyBoyKisses you will find a variety of users ranging from those looking for serious relationships to casual encounters and even just friends with similar interests. Whether it’s love or friendship that you are seeking there is sure to be someone who meets your criteria waiting for you at this online community!


To conclude, LadyBoyKisses is a great dating app for those looking to find partners of the same gender. The design and usability are excellent; it’s easy to navigate around the site and quickly get connected with other users. Safety and security measures have been put in place so that all members can feel safe while using this platform. Help & support staff are available 24/7 if you need any assistance or have questions about your account or usage of the service. User profile quality is also very good as profiles provide detailed information on each user’s interests, lifestyle preferences, etc., allowing one to make an informed decision before connecting with someone else online. All in all, LadyBoyKisses provides a secure environment where individuals can connect without fear of judgement from others – making it ideal for anyone seeking companionship regardless of their sexual orientation!

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Author Timothy Fisher

Timothy Fisher is a writer and relationship expert who specializes in providing advice on dating and relationships. He has been writing about these topics for over 10 years and is passionate about helping others find love and happiness in their lives. He has a deep understanding of the complexities of modern romance and is dedicated to helping individuals navigate these dynamics. His expertise has been featured in various publications and he is a sought-after speaker on the subject. In his free time, Timothy enjoys exploring nature, flying kites, and cooking up a storm in the kitchen.