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  • Compatibility matching
  • Safe and secure environment
  • Scientific approach to finding love
  • Comprehensive questionnaire for better matches
  • Dedicated customer service team
  • 1. Limited to heterosexual couples
  • 2. Expensive subscription fees
  • 3. Requires a lengthy sign-up process


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eHarmony Review 2023


eHarmony is an online dating platform that has been helping singles find love since 2000. It was founded by Dr. Neil Clark Warren, a clinical psychologist who wanted to make it easier for people to meet their perfect match in the digital age. The app’s mission statement is “to strengthen relationships through meaningful connections” and its target audience are single adults looking for serious relationships or marriage partners.

Today, eHarmony boasts over 15 million active users worldwide and continues to be one of the most popular platforms among daters around the world; especially in countries like United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and UK where it holds top rankings as far as market share goes when compared with other leading dating apps such as Tinder or Bumble.. The app itself can be accessed via mobile device (Android & iOS) or desktop computer but requires registration before you can start using all its features which include profile creation/editing tools along with advanced search filters based on user preferences such religion/ethnicity etc., access to compatible matches selected by algorithms specifically designed according them same criteria used during sign up process , ability send messages between members after being matched together etc… All these services come at no cost so anyone interested in finding true love should give this platform a try!

How Does eHarmony Work?

eHarmony is a popular dating app that has been helping people find meaningful relationships since 2000. It uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect users with compatible profiles, based on their shared interests and values. With over 10 million active members from more than 200 countries around the world, eHarmony offers one of the largest online dating networks in existence today.

Users can create a profile by answering questions about themselves such as age, location and lifestyle preferences; this information helps to match them up with other singles who share similar backgrounds or lifestyles. Users are then able to browse through potential matches’ profiles and view photos before deciding if they would like to contact someone directly via private messaging or emailing within the app itself. The majority of users come from North America (around 40%), followed by Europe (30%) Australia/New Zealand (15%), Asia Pacific (10%) and Latin America & Caribbean Islands(5%).

The eHarmony team also provides additional features for its members such as Relationship Advice articles written by experts which offer tips on how best to approach conversations when meeting new people online; plus advice columns where couples can ask relationship-related questions anonymously so they don’t have worry about being judged publicly for asking certain topics . Additionally there’s also access exclusive events held across different cities worldwide which allow single subscribers meet each other face-to-face in real life scenarios without having any prior knowledge beforehand – these are often referred too as ‘speed dates’.

Another useful feature offered by eharmoney is called ‘Secure Call’ – it allows two registered members communicate securely using voice calls rather than text messages alone while keeping both parties anonymous until after speaking together first time round – this gives peace mind those looking extra security privacy when talking strangers potentially going out date later down line.. Furthermore all data stored user accounts encrypted 256 bit SSL technology meaning no third party ever gain unauthorized access personal details anyone signed up service either free premium subscription plans available choose depending needs wants budget availability at given moment time period month year etc…

Overall experience quite positive one thanks many great tools services provided help make process finding true love much easier smoother journey possible everyone involved throughout entire duration use application whether long short term basis end result always same happy ending!

  • 1.Compatibility Matching: eHarmony uses a proprietary algorithm to match users based on compatibility.
  • 2. Guided Communication: This feature helps users break the ice and get comfortable with each other before moving onto more intimate conversations.
  • 3. Secure Call Feature: Users can have secure phone calls without exchanging personal contact information, allowing them to maintain their privacy while getting to know someone better over the phone or video chat service like Skype or Facetime .
  • 4. RelyID Verification System : eHarmony’s verification system allows members to verify their identity so they can be sure that they are talking with real people who are serious about finding love online safely and securely .
  • 5. Datebook & Activity Suggestions : The datebook offers suggestions for fun activities you could do together such as outdoor adventures, cultural events, restaurant recommendations , etc., making it easier for couples looking for something new and exciting in their relationship journey .
  • 6. Relationship Advice Blog : A blog offering helpful advice from experts on topics ranging from dating tips , communication skills , marriage counseling resources , conflict resolution strategies , etc., helping singles find lasting relationships through self-improvement

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the eHarmony app is a simple process. First, you will need to create an account by providing your name, email address and creating a password. You will then be asked to answer some questions about yourself such as age, gender identity and orientation preferences in order for the app to match you with compatible singles. After submitting these details, you’ll have access to view potential matches based on your profile information that are also looking for relationships or companionship through eHarmony’s algorithm-based matching system. In addition to this feature there are other tools available like “guided communication” which allows users of all ages (18+) communicate safely online before meeting up in person if they choose too – it is free of charge when registering but certain features require payment once signed up .

  • 1.Create a profile with your personal information, including name, age and gender.
  • 2. Provide an email address to receive notifications from eHarmony.
  • 3. Upload a photo of yourself for other users to view on your profile page (optional).
  • 4. Answer questions about lifestyle preferences such as smoking habits or religious beliefs (optional).
  • 5. Agree to the terms and conditions of using the website’s services before completing registration process..
  • 6 .Provide payment details if you wish to upgrade membership levels beyond basic free account features(Optional) 7 .Verify that you are 18 years old or older by providing valid identification documents when requested during sign-up process 8 .Complete online personality test designed by eHarmony’s team of psychologists in order gain better insight into who might be compatible matches for potential dates

Design and Usability of eHarmony

The eHarmony app has a modern design with colors that are pleasing to the eye. The interface is clean and easy to navigate, making it simple for users to find profiles of other people. It’s also very user-friendly; all features can be accessed quickly and easily from the main menu or profile page. There aren’t any major UI improvements when you purchase a paid subscription, but there are some additional features available such as an enhanced search feature which makes finding compatible matches easier than ever before.

User Profile Quality

The user profiles on eHarmony are quite detailed and of high quality. Profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them, however you must sign up to create a profile or interact with other users. You can set a custom bio in your profile which allows you to share more about yourself and what kind of relationship you’re looking for. There is no “friends” feature but there is an option to add people as favorites if they catch your eye!

Privacy settings on eHarmony allow users the choice between revealing their location info or keeping it hidden from others. If revealed, it will only show city information so exact locations remain private while still giving some indication of distance between potential matches – this helps narrow down searches by area when using filters such as age range etc.. It also offers Google and Facebook sign-in features for added security against fake accounts – these measures help keep the platform safe from scammers who may try creating false identities online!

Premium subscriptions offer additional benefits such as being able access more photos per day than free memberships do; plus premium subscribers have priority listing in search results making them easier for others find amongst all the other singles out there searching too! In addition Premium members get extra tools like email read notifications allowing greater control over communication within conversations taking place through the site itself rather than having everything go via text message or Whatsapp etc…


eHarmony is a popular online dating website that has been around since 2000. It focuses on helping singles find long-term relationships and marriage partners by using its patented Compatibility Matching System to match people based on their core values, beliefs, goals, lifestyle habits and interests. The site offers free registration as well as paid membership options for more features such as unlimited messaging or the ability to view who’s viewed your profile. eHarmony also provides an app version of the service which can be downloaded from Google Play Store or Apple App Store for free but requires payment in order to access all of its features.

The main advantages of eHarmony are that it uses advanced algorithms designed specifically with relationship compatibility in mind; users have access to millions of potential matches; there is no need for swiping left/right because every user will receive tailored recommendations based on their personality test results; communication between members is safe due to strict privacy policies enforced by the company; customer support team available 24/7 if needed and finally most importantly – success stories shared by couples who found each other through this platform serve both motivation and proof that true love exists even when you least expect it! On the downside however some users may find subscription fees too expensive compared with other sites out there offering similar services plus many profiles lack details making them difficult at times hard evaluate before engaging into conversation with someone new..

At present time eHarmony does not offer any kind of dating website although they do provide a mobile application compatible across Android & iOS devices allowing registered members search potential matches nearby while keeping track conversations via push notifications sent directly onto phones instead emails like traditional websites usually do . This could potentially explain why having dedicated web page isn’t yet part reality – majority modern day daters prefer convenience apps bring rather than logging desktop computers browse through hundreds different profiles hoping stumble upon one truly special individual without knowing whether he she lives close enough distance become viable option future partner life

Safety & Security

eHarmony takes security very seriously and has a range of measures in place to protect its users. All user accounts are verified through an email address or phone number, which helps to prevent bots and fake accounts from being created. eHarmony also manually reviews all profile photos before they can be uploaded by the user, ensuring that only appropriate images are used on the platform. Additionally, two-factor authentication is available for added protection against malicious actors trying to access your account without permission.

The privacy policy of eHarmony ensures that personal information collected about its users remains secure at all times with strong encryption protocols in place both during transmission as well as when stored on their servers. The company does not share any data with third parties unless required by law or if it’s necessary for providing services requested by customers such as customer support requests etc.. Furthermore, customers have full control over how much information they want shared publicly via their profiles; allowing them greater autonomy over who sees what content associated with them online

Pricing and Benefits

eHarmony is an online dating service that has been around since 2000. It offers users the ability to connect with potential partners through a compatibility matching system. The app itself is free, but there are some features and services that require a paid subscription in order to access them.

The benefits of getting a paid subscription on eHarmony include:

  • Unlimited communication with matches
  • Accessing deeper levels of compatibility information – Seeing who’s viewed your profile or liked you back

Prices for eHarmony subscriptions range from $12-$60 per month depending on how long you commit for upfront (3 months, 6 months or 12 months). This makes it one of the more competitively priced apps out there when compared to other similar services like Match and OkCupid which can cost up to $30/month without any commitment discounts applied.

Cancelling your membership requires logging into your account settings and selecting “cancel my plan” under billing options before confirming cancellation via email link sent by customer support team at eharmony . Refunds may be available if requested within 14 days after signing up however this depends on individual circumstances so it’s best practice contact their customer service team directly about refund eligibility first before cancelling anything as refunds cannot be guaranteed in all cases .                                                                                                                             Do users really need a paid subscription? That ultimately comes down user preference as while some people prefer having full control over their matchmaking experience , others might find they get enough value out of using just the basic free version alone without needing extra features provided by premium plans such as being able see who likes them back etc..

Help & Support

eHarmony is a popular online dating service that helps people find compatible matches. It offers many features to help users make the most of their experience, and also provides support for those who need it.

The first way to access support on eHarmony is through its website. There are several pages dedicated to helping customers with any issues they may have while using the site or app, such as troubleshooting tips and frequently asked questions (FAQs). Additionally, there’s an email address provided where you can contact customer service directly if needed; this usually receives a response within 24 hours during business days.

Finally, eHarmony also has phone numbers available for both domestic and international customers in case you prefer speaking over the phone instead of writing emails or browsing webpages looking for answers – although these lines aren’t always staffed so expect longer wait times than when contacting via email or chat services like WhatsApp/Facebook Messenger which are supported by them too! Generally speaking though responses from all channels should be expected within 48-72 hours depending on how busy they’re at any given time – however more urgent requests will get prioritized accordingly so don’t hesitate reaching out if necessary!


1. Is eHarmony safe?

Yes, eHarmony is a safe online dating site. The website has been around since 2000 and has built up an excellent reputation for providing users with the best possible experience when it comes to finding love. They have strict security measures in place to protect their members from fraud or abuse, including encryption technology that keeps all personal information secure and private. In addition, they also provide detailed safety tips on their website so that you can stay informed about how to keep yourself safe while using the service. All of these features make eHarmony one of the safest online dating sites available today!

2. Is eHarmony a real dating site with real users?

Yes, eHarmony is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2000 and has since become one of the most popular online dating sites on the web. The website uses an extensive questionnaire to match members based on their compatibility across 29 different dimensions of personality traits, values, beliefs and lifestyle preferences. This ensures that its users are matched up with people who have similar interests as them and share common goals for relationships or marriage. eHarmony also offers free communication between matches so that they can get to know each other better before deciding if they want to meet in person or not. With millions of registered members from around the world, it’s easy to see why this service is so popular among singles looking for love online!

3. How to use eHarmony app?

Using the eHarmony app is a great way to find love and build meaningful relationships. To get started, simply download the app from your device’s store and create an account with some basic information about yourself. Once you have created your profile, it’s time to start searching for potential matches! The app will ask you questions about what kind of person you are looking for in order to provide better match suggestions tailored specifically for you. You can also browse through other users’ profiles or use their advanced search filters if needed. When viewing someone else’s profile, feel free to send them a message or “like” them if they seem like someone who could be compatible with you! As long as both parties agree on meeting up in real life after getting acquainted online via eHarmony, then there is nothing stopping two people from finding true love together using this amazing dating platform!

4. Is eHarmony free?

No, eHarmony is not free. The online dating service requires users to pay a subscription fee in order to access the full range of features available on their website. Subscription fees vary depending on the length of time you choose and whether or not you opt for an additional premium feature package. However, even with a paid membership, some features such as communication with other members are still limited until further payment is made. As part of its commitment to helping singles find love online, eHarmony offers new members several different options when it comes to signing up including trial periods and discounted rates for longer subscriptions.

5. Is eHarmony working and can you find someone there?

Yes, eHarmony is working and it can be a great way to find someone special. The website uses an extensive questionnaire to match users with compatible partners who share similar values, interests, and lifestyles. With its unique approach of using algorithms to determine compatibility between two people based on 29 different dimensions of personality traits such as emotional temperament and social style, eHarmony has helped millions of singles find meaningful relationships since 2000. Additionally, the site offers helpful advice from relationship experts that can help guide you through the process if needed. All in all, eHarmony provides a safe environment for those looking for love or companionship online where they are sure to meet like-minded individuals who have similar goals in mind when it comes to finding their perfect partner!


In conclusion, eHarmony is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. Its design and usability are excellent, making it easy to navigate the site and connect with potential matches. The safety features on the app ensure that users can use it without fear of their data being compromised or stolen. Furthermore, help and support are readily available should any issues arise while using the platform. Finally, user profiles provide an accurate representation of who you may be matched with so you know what kind of person they are before committing to them as a partner. Overall eHarmony provides an efficient way for people to meet new people in search of companionship or love – its only downside being that some areas need improvement such as more detailed profile information which would give better insight into each individual’s personality traits etc.. All-in-all though this makes up part of why we rate eHarmony highly – its comprehensive approach towards helping singles find true love!

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Author Timothy Fisher

Timothy Fisher is a writer and relationship expert who specializes in providing advice on dating and relationships. He has been writing about these topics for over 10 years and is passionate about helping others find love and happiness in their lives. He has a deep understanding of the complexities of modern romance and is dedicated to helping individuals navigate these dynamics. His expertise has been featured in various publications and he is a sought-after speaker on the subject. In his free time, Timothy enjoys exploring nature, flying kites, and cooking up a storm in the kitchen.