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  • 1. Variety of users
  • 2. High level of security
  • 3. Easy to use interface
  • 1. Unattractive people are excluded
  • 2. No guarantee of finding a compatible match
  • 3. Not all users have good intentions


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    Hardly ever
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BeautifulPeople: Reviewing the Popular Online Dating Platform


BeautifulPeople is an exclusive online dating app that has been around since 2002. It was created to connect people who are considered attractive by the standards of society and its members come from all over the world. The platform’s main focus is on providing a safe space for those looking for meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals, as well as casual dates or friendships.

The app boasts more than 8 million active users worldwide, making it one of the most popular platforms in this sector. BeautifulPeople was founded by Greg Hodge and launched in Denmark before expanding into other countries such as Australia, Canada, France and Germany among others. Today it remains owned by Mr Hodge but operates under different companies depending on where you access it from – including Badoo Trading Limited (UK) Ltd., BV Dating (Netherlands), People Media Inc.(USA).

BeautifulPeople offers several features designed to make your experience enjoyable while also ensuring safety: profile verification process; private photo albums; messaging system with filters; compatibility quizzes etc.. All these tools help ensure that only genuine profiles remain active on their website/app so users can trust each other when meeting up offline after connecting through BeautifulPeople firstly online .

As far as pricing goes , registering an account at Beautifulpeople does not cost anything – although some premium services may require payment if you wish to take advantage of them . Moreover , there’s no need for downloading any extra software because both Android & iOS devices have dedicated apps available via Google Play Store & App Store respectively which makes accessing your account easier than ever !

In conclusion , whether you’re seeking love or just want someone interesting enough to talk about life ‘ s little things – then give yourself a chance at finding happiness today : sign up now at beautifulpeople dot com !

How Does BeautifulPeople Work?

BeautifulPeople is an exclusive dating app that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It allows users to connect with others based on their physical attractiveness and other criteria, such as location, age range, gender identity and interests. The key feature of the app is its rating system which enables members to rate each other’s profiles according to their own preferences. This ensures that only attractive people are able to join the community while keeping out those who do not meet certain standards of beauty or personal values.

Users can search for potential matches by using filters like location, age range and interests within a specified radius from them; this helps narrow down results quickly so they don’t have too many options at once when searching for someone special. They can also view profile photos before deciding whether or not they want to contact someone further through messaging features available on BeautifulPeople App’s platform – making it easier than ever before! Furthermore there are different types of users: singles looking for dates/relationships; couples seeking new partners (either single or couple); groups interested in finding activities together etc.. In addition more than 5 million active monthly users come from over 200 countries around the world including USA , UK , Canada , Australia & India .

The sign-up process requires verification via photo upload where applicants must submit two pictures – one headshot style portrait along with another full body shot – which will be rated by existing members against predetermined aesthetic guidelines set forth by Beautiful People team . If approved then you gain access into private social network made up exclusively for beautiful individuals who share similar interest & lifestyle choices ! After approval your account will remain visible until expiration date after which time you may need re-apply if wish stay part member community .

Once inside membership area user experience unique way connecting fellow beautifulpeople – virtual parties hosted regularly online help make connection real life events held periodically cities across globe bring even closer touch human interaction missing traditional digital platforms today ! Additionally ‘Nearby’ section shows nearby locations sorted distance enabling easy navigation map find interesting places go hangout friends explore local scene wherever located moment !

Finally ‘Dating’ tab contains variety tools designed specifically facilitate successful matchmaking journey between compatible matches ranging simple swipe left right function elaborate personality quizzes icebreakers get conversation started all sorts ways chat flirt express feelings towards possible soulmate leading true love story every individual dream about someday …

  • 1.Advanced Search Options: Easily search for potential matches based on physical attributes, lifestyle preferences and more.
  • 2. Verified Member Profiles: All members are verified to ensure that you’re only interacting with real people who meet the criteria of beauty standards set by BeautifulPeople’s global community.
  • 3. Live Video Chatting: Connect face-to-face with other users through live video chat sessions in order to get a better feel for each other before deciding if it’s worth taking things further offline or not!
  • 4. Private Messaging System: Send private messages between members securely and anonymously without any fear of your conversations being exposed publicly online!
  • 5 .Events & Parties : Get exclusive access to special events hosted by BeautifulPeople around the world where you can mingle and socialize with likeminded individuals in an exciting atmosphere!
  • 6 .Discreet Dating Features : Enjoy discreet dating features such as anonymous browsing, profile hiding options, photo privacy settings etc., so that your personal information remains safe from prying eyes at all times

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the BeautifulPeople app is a straightforward process. First, you will need to provide your basic information such as gender, age (you must be at least 18 years old), email address and password. Then you can upload photos of yourself for approval by existing members of the community who vote on whether or not they think you are attractive enough to join their exclusive club. If approved, then all that’s left is creating an interesting profile with some details about yourself and what kind of people or relationships you’re looking for in order to start meeting other singles through the platform’s matchmaking system. After submitting your details it may take up to 48 hours before receiving confirmation if your application has been accepted into this elite dating network – but don’t worry; registration itself is free!

  • 1.Must be at least 18 years of age.
  • 2. Must provide a valid email address and phone number for verification purposes.
  • 3. Upload an attractive profile picture that accurately reflects your physical appearance in the best light possible, including any necessary retouching or editing to make sure it looks professional and polished before submitting it for review by BeautifulPeople’s team of moderators
  • 4. Completely fill out all required information on the registration form, such as gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity/race/nationality (if applicable), body type preferences (if applicable) etc., with accurate details about yourself so you can find potential matches who are compatible with you
  • 5 . Agree to abide by BeautifulPeople’s Terms & Conditions which includes agreeing not to post offensive content or photos that violate copyright laws online
  • 6 . Provide proof of identification if requested from time-to-time in order to verify your account is legitimate
  • 7 . Participate actively within the community through liking other members’ profiles and posting comments on their posts when appropriate 8 . Abide by all rules set forth within each group chatroom hosted onsite

Design and Usability of BeautifulPeople

The BeautifulPeople app has a modern design with vibrant colors and an intuitive layout. The profiles of other people are easy to find, as the search bar is prominently displayed at the top of every page. Usability-wise, it’s straightforward to use; all features can be accessed quickly from the main menu or side navigation panel. With a paid subscription, there are some UI improvements such as more detailed profile information and better filtering options for finding potential matches.

User Profile Quality

BeautifulPeople is a dating site that offers users the opportunity to create profiles and meet potential partners. The quality of user profiles on BeautifulPeople are generally quite high, as they require all members to upload at least one photo before being accepted into the community. Profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them without needing an account or logging in; however, certain information such as age and location may be hidden from non-members for privacy reasons. Users have the option of setting a custom bio which provides additional insight into their interests and personality traits. There is no “friends” feature but there is an internal messaging system allowing two people who like each other’s profile photos to communicate privately with one another if desired.

Privacy settings available on BeautifulPeople allow users control over what personal information appears publicly within their profile page; this includes hiding your exact location info so only city name will appear instead of full address details – although it does not indicate distance between users when viewing search results pages etc.. Additionally there isn’t any Google or Facebook sign-in feature so accounts must be created manually by providing email addresses etc., reducing chances for fake accounts infiltrating the platform due its stringent verification process upon registration (i.e ID documents).

Premium subscriptions offer extra benefits including higher visibility across search result listings plus access to more detailed analytics about how many times you’ve been viewed/liked compared with free membership options – enabling greater insights into who has shown interest in your profile & vice versa!


BeautifulPeople is a popular dating website that allows users to meet and connect with attractive singles from around the world. The site has been active since 2002, making it one of the oldest online dating platforms in existence. It offers its members an exclusive platform for connecting with other beautiful people who share similar interests and values.

The main advantages of BeautifulPeople are its extensive database, user-friendly interface, detailed profiles, secure messaging system and fast matchmaking process which helps users find potential matches quickly. Additionally, there is also a mobile app available on both iOS and Android devices so you can stay connected wherever you go! One disadvantage however could be that some features such as chat rooms or video calls may require additional payment plans depending on your subscription level but overall these services offer great value for money when compared to other sites out there today.

At this time BeautifulPeople does not have a dedicated website specifically designed for their service; instead they rely solely upon their mobile application offering all of the same features found within the desktop version plus more including push notifications about new matches nearby or upcoming events taking place near you – perfect if looking to expand your social circle beyond just those already registered through their service! This decision was likely made due to cost savings associated with maintaining two separate websites rather than one combined solution; however many customers still prefer having access via both web browser as well as smartphone device at any given moment – especially considering how often we now use our phones throughout daily life activities nowadays anyway!

Safety & Security

App security is a major concern for BeautifulPeople, an online dating platform. The site takes extra measures to ensure that all users are real people and not bots or fake accounts. To verify user identity, the website requires each person to upload at least one photo of themselves as part of their profile. This image is then manually reviewed by staff members who look out for any suspicious activity or signs of inauthenticity before approving it on the platform. In addition, two-factor authentication (2FA) has been implemented so that only verified users can access their account with a unique code sent via email every time they log in from a new device or browser window.

BeautifulPeople also has strict privacy policies which outline how personal data will be used and protected when accessing its services; this includes details such as IP addresses being stored securely on encrypted servers located within EU countries under GDPR regulations while no sensitive information like credit card numbers are ever collected nor shared with third parties without explicit consent from the user first given prior approval upon registration process completion..

Pricing and Benefits

Is BeautifulPeople Free or Paid?

BeautifulPeople is a dating app that allows users to meet and connect with other singles in their area. The app offers both free and paid subscriptions, so it’s up to the user which one they choose.

Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription:

  • Access all features on the site without any ads – Get priority customer service support – See who has viewed your profile – View profiles anonymously – Send unlimited messages – Receive advanced matchmaking algorithms – Have access to premium chat rooms – Unlock additional search filters – Boost visibility of your profile  – Participate in exclusive events for members only
                                                                                                 Prices range from $19/month (for 3 months) up to $50/month (for 12 months). These prices are competitive compared with other similar apps, making them an attractive option for those looking for more features than what’s offered by the free version.

Cancellation Process & Refunds: Users can cancel their subscription at any time through their account settings page or via email request sent directly from within the application itself. All refunds will be processed within 7 days after cancellation is received; however, no refund will be given if you have already used some of its services during that period such as sending messages or viewing profiles etc.. There may also be fees associated with cancelling depending on how long you had been subscribed before requesting cancellation.

                                                          Do users really need a paid subscription on BeautifulPeople? It depends entirely upon individual preferences; while many people find value in upgrading due to extra benefits like enhanced privacy protection and access to special events hosted exclusively for paying customers, others might prefer using just basic functionality available even without having purchased anything

Help & Support

BeautifulPeople is an online dating platform that offers its users a variety of ways to access support. Whether you need help navigating the website, have questions about your account or just want some advice on how to make the most out of BeautifulPeople, there are several options available for getting in touch with customer service.

The easiest way to get assistance from BeautifulPeople is through their Help Center page. Here you can find answers and solutions related to all aspects of using the site including creating an account, managing profiles and photos as well as troubleshooting any technical issues you may be experiencing. Additionally, if needed they offer contact information so that customers can directly reach out via email or phone call for more personalized help and support inquiries will typically receive a response within 24 hours Monday-Friday during normal business hours (EST).

Finally, another great resource provided by Beautiful People is their FAQs section which provides quick answers for commonly asked questions regarding membership benefits & features such as profile visibility settings; billing & payment information; subscription plans etc.. This makes it easy for members who prefer self-service options when seeking resolution quickly without having direct contact with customer service representatives – saving time while still receiving quality results!


1. Is BeautifulPeople safe?

BeautyPeople is a website that allows users to connect with others based on their physical appearance. While the site does have some safety measures in place, such as requiring all members to upload an approved photo and verifying each profile before allowing access, it’s important for users to take extra precautions when using this type of service. Users should always be aware of who they are talking to online and never share personal information or photos without first getting permission from the other person. Additionally, BeautyPeople has several features designed specifically for user safety including reporting inappropriate behavior or content as well as blocking any unwanted contact from another member. By following these simple steps and being mindful of potential risks associated with meeting people online, BeautifulPeople can be used safely by its members while still providing them with an enjoyable experience connecting with like-minded individuals around the world.

2. Is BeautifulPeople a real dating site with real users?

Yes, BeautifulPeople is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2002 and has grown to become one of the most popular online dating sites today. The website claims that it only accepts members who meet its strict standards for physical attractiveness and lifestyle choices, which helps ensure that all users are genuine people looking for meaningful relationships. In addition to providing an exclusive platform where attractive singles can connect with each other, BeautifulPeople also offers many features such as personality tests and compatibility matching algorithms designed to help members find their perfect match quickly and easily.

3. How to use BeautifulPeople app?

BeautifulPeople is an app that allows users to meet new people and make friends. It’s a great way for anyone looking to expand their social circle or find someone special. To use the BeautifulPeople app, first you will need to create an account by entering your email address and creating a password. Once your account has been created, you can start searching for other members who share similar interests as yourself. You can also browse through profiles of potential matches based on criteria such as age, location, gender preference etc., so it’s easy to find like-minded individuals in no time at all!

Once you have found someone that catches your eye then simply send them a message introducing yourself – this could be anything from asking how they are doing today or just letting them know why you thought they were interesting enough for contact in the first place! From there it’s up to both parties whether they want take things further – either with online chat conversations or even meeting up face-to-face if both feel comfortable with this option too!

4. Is BeautifulPeople free?

BeautifulPeople is not a free service. It does offer some basic features for free, such as creating an account and browsing the profiles of other members. However, in order to access more advanced features like messaging or seeing who has viewed your profile, you will need to upgrade to one of their paid membership plans. Paid plans range from $9-$35 per month depending on which plan you choose and how long your subscription lasts. With these paid plans come additional benefits such as being able to message anyone without restrictions and having priority customer support if needed.

5. Is BeautifulPeople working and can you find someone there?

Yes, BeautifulPeople is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website has been around since 2002 and offers a unique way for people to meet others who share similar interests or lifestyles. By using the website’s detailed questionnaire system, users can narrow down their search results in order to find exactly what they are looking for in a potential partner. Furthermore, members of the site have access to exclusive events where they can mingle with other like-minded individuals from all over the world. With its vast network of members spanning across countries such as United States, Canada, Australia and Europe – finding someone on BeautifulPeople should not be too difficult!


In conclusion, BeautifulPeople is a great dating app that allows users to find partners for dating. The design and usability of the app are quite good; it’s easy to navigate through different features on the platform. Additionally, safety and security measures are also in place so you can be sure your data will remain safe while using this service. Help and support options provided by BeautifulPeople ensure customers have access to assistance when needed. Finally, user profile quality is excellent as each member must pass an approval process before being able to use the website or mobile application – ensuring all members meet certain standards of attractiveness set by other users already registered with them.. All in all, we believe that BeautifulPeople offers a reliable online dating experience with its unique concept which sets it apart from traditional apps out there today!

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Author Timothy Fisher

Timothy Fisher is a writer and relationship expert who specializes in providing advice on dating and relationships. He has been writing about these topics for over 10 years and is passionate about helping others find love and happiness in their lives. He has a deep understanding of the complexities of modern romance and is dedicated to helping individuals navigate these dynamics. His expertise has been featured in various publications and he is a sought-after speaker on the subject. In his free time, Timothy enjoys exploring nature, flying kites, and cooking up a storm in the kitchen.